A Letter, A Question, A Picture, A Plea!

Sunday, November 05, 2006

To: His Impressive Holiness Sir Malach the Merciless, esq. and His Religious & Repentent Immenince Dr. Robert J. Murk (awesome),

Gentlemen, I am faced with a critical question this morning that I must put before you in hope that you provide an honest and prompt response.

It is a question of vital importance that no doubt will effect us all in more ways than I can possibly imagine.

Many of us, speaking on and offline, using a variety of channels, have asked and waited and wondered and... even prayed.

In your infinite wisdom, I am confident you can tell us the answer to the question that plagues us... plagues me, indeed, PLAGUES THE WORLD.

Where is the fucking M&M "KILL WHITEY" podcast? I mean, WTF?

I humbly and yet impatiently await your response.

Bloggingly Yours,
Captain B.J. "Flak" Paperpants
First Spacefarmer of the Royal WoW Fusiliers
Third Operational Infantry Media Command
Northen Massachusetts Divisional Headquarters

P.S.: Angry Veterinarian: am I still your pretty girl?


What to join waterfairie>

As for the podcast, I just talk, Murk produces . . . like JesusMan@ he writes, Malach produces.

I need to start a competing webcomic called ChristBitch.



State Police Jesus. That'd work too.

Anonymous said...

I will NOT die for your sins.

I publish it if you want

Big Scissor Sisters fan? Malach is.

Toyi said...

oh that reminded me Travolta!

Podcast? Hello? Come on, over. Are you there? Podcast?

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