Oh, my heart.

Sunday, April 30, 2006

You think... uh, um, well... I think it might be love. I mean, I might be too young, but... Well, let me expand upon that.

There's this girl I really like, everytime I say her name I find myself breathless. Jaime Allen might as well be the name of an angel. We've been sitting back, enjoying each other's company on weekends, in class, and whatever free time she manages to have. There's a pile of books I haven't read, cds still in their wrapping, the PS2's been neglected, and I've lost any knowledge of what's happening in various television shows (Not to mention that the money for all of these things are used for my excursions with her. XP)... And I don't care. At all. I've lost sleep, stayed up hours into the night thinking of her, yet when I see those beautiful eyes staring at me, I'm reinvigorated, amped up, if you will. I've listened to songs on the radio, quoted lyrics, in the hopes of using them for her, but then I realize... None of them are good enough. I need to write something that will capture her perfect visage; I want to learn guitar and write songs about her. It's kind of funny though; around her, I want to be this perfect guy, the epitome of composure and decorum. I try to say things, think intensely about them, I want to be enthralling, I want her to fall in love with me, I want blushes to suffuse her cheeks, the red outlining her porcelain skin. Of course, real life never goes as planned, and I end up saying something extremely dumb, mostly monosyllabic grunts.

But I don't really mind.

If I'm blessed with her giggle, it's music to my ears.

Next plan: stop the shivering when she hugs me. And get that damn Teddy Geiger song out of my head... "I'm going to muster every ounce of confidance I have, and cannonball into the water... For you I will.


(Oh yeah, and she's studying with me for our AP Euro exam on Friday... She's super-smart too! God, I'm so excited...)


That's exaclty how I feel about my wife . . .

Christopher said...

That's how I feel about SpaceFarmer.


Toyi said...

Oh please come back to earth...

I suggest you don't involve your heart before your head, and literally I know that you will not understand what I say because you are involved already.
Love is good, I mean anything is until starts destroying your daily good habits.

Good lucky with that!!

Love makes the world go round.

Hojo said...

Love and flesh fruits.

Your PS2 has been neglected? She's no angel, she's a succubus.

YPG said...

Any woman who keeps a man away from his video games is not trust worthy :P

Well im happy for you, but don't let her cloud you head more than she already has.

How does she feel about you?

Tainted~Love said...

Is the feelings the same? If so ...good luck with that. *smiles*

P.S. PS2 ...they have feelings too you know ....*laughs*

TwistedDarkness said...

The same way, to a lesser extent. ^_^"

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