Malach's Favorite Delusional People Part The First

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Ah Delusion . .
Malach loves delusion, and especially loves people who are so delusional, they live in their own world, but still operate in ours. That rocks.

Delusion is defined as:

de·lu·sion (plural de·lu·sions)

1. false belief: a persistent false belief held in the face of strong contradictory evidence, especially as a symptom of a psychiatric condition
2. mistaken notion: a false or mistaken belief or idea about something

The following list is in no particular order, and I am going to try to avoid getting to political with this first list . . .

Now, Mr. Cruise to begin with, very delusional. Belief in Scientology that's also a bit delusional. Now add star struck, brainwashed Katie Holmes, and little Suri into the mix, you got Delusion Central. We all know Tom, no basis in reality there (we won't even get into the coming out of the closet stuff), and throw in the teachings of Papa Delusion L.Ron Hubbard. You thought his marraige to the Amazon Nicole Kidman was fun, this time, at least by claim, he actually has a genetic child (Imagine if you will, Suri Cruise at 18, she'll make Paris Hilton look normal). And then we have soon to be Mrs. Tom Cruise . . . Worshiped him as a teen, converted to Scientology, follows him around like a puppy dog . . . Yes Tom, yes, I need my Thetan audited . . I won't make a sound when I give birth . . . yes send the baby away, we don't need to bond with it. Your such a good dad, changing diapers and all. So much fun to watch.

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
The President of Iran . . . let's see. The Holocuast is all a trick by the West to give sympathy for the Jews; Israel needs to be wiped off the map; you'll be sorry if you give me sanctions; what, we can't explore nuclear technology? What speak up I can't here you? To top it off this guy controls the 4th largest oil producer in the world, and has the capabilty to reach Isreal with missles . . . and Israel ain't wrapped to tight either. I always find these psuedo-despots entertaining, trying to balance a fundamentalist religious ideal (which he really doesn't care about) with trying to be a supposed top teir country.

Mohammed Saeed al-Sahaf
Malach hates to pick on my Muslim brothers (there goes the price on my head), but the former Iraqi Iformation Minister is a cult hero to me. The type of publicity agent he could be, for the likes of TomKat! He could stand in the middle of Bagdhad with bombs falling all in the background, with US troops dragging Saddam Hussein away, and he would be all "My fellow Iraqis, we are winning the war, Americans lie dead in the street, their blood filling the gutters, stay strong". I believe you . . . where is he now? I miss him. And did you notice, he was so good, he did not need that Saddam mustache like everyone else. Imagine if you will, al-Sahaf, Iranian Infromation minister . . . huh, can you say Reality TV top show!

Dwayne Johnson/The Rock.
Now Malach hasn't been a fan of Wrasslin' for about 8 years, but when he was, he loved the Rock. And not the fan favorite Rock, the Rock, back when people hated him. To be a pro wrestler you have to be a bit delusional to begin with, but The Rock took it to an extreme. Taking the best stuff from Ric Flair, and turning it up 10 notches, The Rock was so delusional, from his attempts to be Elvis, to his elbow drop, "People's Elbow finishing move, The Rock was entertaining. . . in a most delusional sort of way.

Stan Lee
Ahh Stan 'The Man' Lee. No one can deny your influence on comic books, culture, fashion, and business. But he has become a comic book character himself. He is like Superman with Alzheimers. I half expect the next interview I see with him for him to be dressed in tights and a cape, and then jump off a building . . . . .'nuff said.

Rev. Al Sharpton
First, and this is more incidental . . any black man who thinks their hair looks good modeled after Ronald Reagan is delusional. And his hair is better than it was in the 80's. The Reverend (of what) and for the most part Jesse Jackson, are there if you are black, if you have been "wronged by the man". That's great, but they have gotten behind so many causes that were faked, they lost their credibility long ago. Can you say Tawana Brawley? I love Al when he runs for president. The debates are so much fun.

Terrel Owens. Perhaps the most talented wide reciever to ever play in the NFL. No touch on reality. Now a Cowboy, joining the most delusional team in football. Bledsoe, the Tuna, Vanderjerk, and now TO. Gonna be fun to watch this implosion.

This ones to easy, but this guy been out of touch with reality since the age of 8. Do I even have to list it all? The plastic surgery, the marriages, the moving to Bharain of all place, Blanket, Neverland Ranch, SLUMBER PARTIES! It is going to be interesting to see his downward spiral, as he losed more money, and sell few albums. It's a Thriller.

Lindsey Lohan.
Wow . . anyone remember Dana Plato? Or perhaps the teenage Drew Barrymore? Don't say I didn't warn you.

Thus ends Malach's first list of his favorite delusional people. I am sure another will follow . . .

I am Malach, and I am delusional.


Toyi said...

All those above should be scientologist to wrap the team. lol

Well lets see:

The rest? Muslims, Christians, and unidentified.

Anonymous said...

Delusional People are fun, without them, we wouldn't have very much to talk about.

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