Comic Books

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Recently Marvel Comics have made the Young Avengers (Pictured)
All I can say is what the fuck? Are they getting so desperate that they have to ripoff DC comics and vice versa? I mean what happened to the good old days when publishers actually made original ideas. I mean sure Captain Marvel wasn't original, it was a blatant rip-off of Superman but at least they didn't go as far as ripping off a whole team of Superheros! Sure the JLA was a ripoff of the JSA, but that was under DC comics themselves. Because the JSA hasn't been used in such a long time they wanted to make a time for their modern heroes. Plus the JSA did return indeed! Such a shame in the comic industry today....FIGHT THE POWER AND BUY BONE!!!!


I have always had issues with MArvel DC, and these kind of problems, one of the reasons for the original incarnation of Fat Bug. Not shocking to me.

Top Cow, Image, Dark Horse and Avalon Studios.

Get with it kids. It's not about Marvel or DC anymore. =)

Hojo said...

You're right. It's all about Bone.

The Angry Piper said...

This is the Angry Piper's Monthly Comics list:

Astonishing X-Men
Amazing Spider-man
Ultimate Fantastic Four
New Avengers
Jonah Hex

I may have missed a few, but I stopped collecting Hulk, Tom Strong, Superman, and Batman. I'm also good for a limited series or three every month: Infinite Crisis and Fury are my current two.

Just Me, I can't get the nasty impression of Image Comics of the 90's out of my mind...with titles like Shadowhawk, Youngblood, The Savage Dragon and Boof and the Bruise Crew, there wasn't much to like. Now I hear they have a great book in Powers, but I missed it.

Never Read any Avalon, but make mine Dark Horse- definitely the most innovative comics company of the past 15 years.

Paper comics are a dying breed, I will do a nice long post on that soon.

Admittedly some of the earlier titles were about as useful as ....uhm.....toilet paper but Top Cow/Image did come up with some good stuff later. The Darkness was (I don't know now) a good title to read and Rising Stars was pretty good too.

Avalon Studios produced the artist Jay Anecleto. Amazing art for a comic book. But because the artist wasn't a comic book artist (very slow), they were having time managment issues and scrapped the title (Aria) after 4 releases.

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