WoW Holiday Season Scavenger Hunt Game!

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Sick and tired of the holiday season already? Need a distraction? Ok, then play the WoW Holiday Season Scavenger Hunt Game! All you have to do is post some pictures of you doing the things listed below.

1. Drinking a Scottish beer

2. You with an aluminum pole ("a festivus for the rest of us!")

3. You with a mall Santa bonus points if you’re on his lap

4. You in a nativity scene

5. You with a menorah Bonus points if with a Jew!

6. Wrap yourself up in wrapping paper.

7. A light saber fight in Wal-Mart (or similar store)

8. You as a holiday decoration

9. Doing something inappropriate with a statue

10. You shot gunning a beer

11. You in drag

12. You holding more than 10 inflated balloons

13. You in a ball pit

14. A chalk outline of your body in a public place with you laying in it

15. You in a "dog pile" or. at the BOTTOM of the dog pile

16. Hold some sort of Sonic Youth paraphernalia kissing it

17. Acting out part of a Shakespearian play

18. Legs behind your head

19. You in a store laying in a dog bed

20. A group of 5 or more people acting out 5 or more emotions

21. You riding inside of a shopping cart in the store

22. You physically inside of a clothes dryer

23. You inside a men’s or women’s bathroom (the opposite of your sex)

24. You holding a snake or tarantula

25. You wearing an apron and pretending to cook on an oven range/bbq grill/etc. at store

26. You with a book from a kama sutra book in a bookstore and then you (and however many people needed) recreating that pose (clothes optional) doing it in a public place = 5 extra points

27. You using a Swiffer Sweeper AND LOVING IT.

28. You and 8 different bottles of hard liquor.

29. You doing the "downward facing dog" yoga pose.

30. Write WoW on your body in navy or dark blue frosting

31. "Eating"(pretending to eat) a giant food (like the height/size of a human)

32. You at a famous landmark

33. Reenact your favorite arcade game

34. Riding an escalator like Buddy the Elf (Elf the movie)

35. Trapped in revolving doors

36. With a llama

37. Up in a tree

38. Chasing a squirrel. (The squirrel has to be in the picture too!)

39. You with an old person throwing the shocker sign.

40. Eating Pez in the sexiest manner possible.

41. Males: A photo of you wearing bright red lipstick Females: A photo of you with a beard and moustache

42. You on a roof

43. Engaging in some sort of vice in public (drinking, smoking, drugs, sex, gambling, etc.)

44. Standing inside an enormous freezer

45. Rocking out like one of those iPods ads in an Apple store

46. Viewing or displaying some kind of porn

47. Getting the traditional New Year's Eve kiss

48. Running with scissors

49. In the shower fully clothed, water on.

50. Taking a picture with a ski mask on at your local gas station

51. Hold a sign up in a public place that says “I love the cock”

52. A picture of you and a snowman

53. A photo of a pair of boobs and your thumbs down.

54. Men: trying on a bra at Victoria secret Women: trying on a jock strap at a sporting goods store

55. Giving praise to a lamp post on a pedestrian filled street

56. Licking a frozen pole

57. Reenact/dress like a WoWee's avatar (pick anyone)

58. Dress up and act like a mime in public (gay mime = bonus points)

59. Picture of the inside of a car wash - one of the automatic ones that you sit through.

60. Fake stab a stranger with a stake.

Yes, there are more than 50, I know. You don't need to get them all... just try to get a few and be as creative as possible!

I think all pictures should be posted by Sunday January 14th, 2007. Sound good? That's almost a month so it should give you all plenty of time! Any questions, comments, etc that you may have you can post in the comments section where I will ignore them and ridicule your stupidity.

Who ever gets the most pictures in the list, will win a special WoW Surprise Gift!

(Oh, and for you smarties... take the list, paste it into a personalized post and then edit it with your pictures similar to how I edited in one of me in the list above.)


This looks fun, perhaps set this up in the Forum?

Yes, I think that would be a better place for it. Shall we move it completely and just post a connecting link or leave this post and change the response instructions?

Tainted~Love said...

YAY something to do to use my new camera!!!!! Thanks Captain!

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