Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney announced today that he would sign an agreement with the federal government to give 30 specially trained state troopers the authority to enforce immigration laws.Romney, who is leaving office in three weeks but is seen as a likely presidential candidate, reached the agreement with the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency.
"The scope of our nation's illegal immigration problem requires us to pursue and implement new solutions wherever possible," Romney said in a statement. "State Troopers are highly trained professionals who are prepared to assist the federal government in apprehending immigration violators without disrupting their normal law enforcement routines."
The agreement makes Massachusetts the ninth jurisdiction in the United States in which local officers have the power to enforce federal immigration laws.
What else does Romney want to empower the State Police to do?
- Insist that all women who go black, do, indeed, go back.
- Ticket any female performing a sex act on a motor vehicle operator driving along the Massachusetts Turnpike.
- Summarily kill all Canadians until the last one is dead, dead, dead.
- Arrest any Hispanics going through a McDonalds drive-thru more than once per day.
- If you are gay... by god, you're going to pay!
- Arrange for all Troopers to be given free coffee at Dunkin Donuts (served to them by white Christian English speaking attractive servers only.)
- Pepper spray or Taser any minorities trying to build another god damn tunnel under Boston.
- Refuse to recognize worker permits for all slanty eyed jew bastard tar baby wetbacks.
Obviously by the commnts looks like this guy is a pantsy but anyways
Inmigration issue is a big issue, cause is unlawfull yet they have a moral cause, anyways...
In Virginia and other states Hispanics are easy target for crime (cause criminals know they carry lots of cash around)because obviously they don't have bank accounts. Other get abused because people know that they are not protected under any law (amazingly a citizen of US can have access to a lawyer and be protected for beating an illegal Hispanic, but the beaten hispanic can't put a law suit because doesn't have rights). so at the end the criminal can complitely walk out w/o a victim pres/charges...
That is what is going on lately here in MD and VA, there was a problem here in VA last week, a black male would target Hispanic women, knock on their doors (well dressed) saying he is from the BCIS (Inmigration Dept)that they need to open the door, when they open the door he kicks in and rape them... yet there is not too much they can do, they can't file anything.
Don't blame me, I did not vote for the Mormon Bastard.
didn't Mormons have more than one wife too? uhmmmm they should investigate that guy lol
Mormons have more than one wife? ROCK ON MORMON!
well that is my question, do they here in US? cause they can in other countries.
plus you can always guess who is a mormon, they would be surfing on the beach .
OMG lol I didn't complite my sentence lol
well I meant that Mormons are always dressed up, no matter where or what they are doing you can always tell.. "there is a Mormon"!!!!
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