The REAL, real Hojo

Saturday, October 06, 2007

But first.
Some of our contributers here and I hang out with at a few forums. YPG, my Indian friend, propose this interesting question today at on of them, which I think is an interesting debate and philosophical question. I post it to you to hash out among yourselves as it brings some interestng questions. Now, this is a hypothetical, and go with the hypothetical . . . .

Imagine you yourself discovered without a shadow of a doubt that there is no God, Heaven, or that any religions philiosophy is false, there is no all powerful being, nor afterlife, etc. You can prove this to anyone who you tell it to, and once they find out, it will show irrefutably, any spiritality they believe cannot exist. Would you reveal this to the world?

Interesting question, and my immediate answer was "Of Course, religion and spiritual thought have caused many wars, and behind much of the problems and fighting in the world". But then I also thought further, many people live for their Heavenly reward, what if that is one of the only things keeping people kind and good? It is a very interesting thought, and I would love to hear anyone reading this, their opinion.

And remember this is hypothetical, don't go changing the whole thing.

The Real Hojo
Yes, supposedly the Angry Piper revealed this month's back, but like usual, he was wrong. Today, more doorbell was rung and the Bucko Brigade, lead by Palmer was there. Evidently the boy has cracked a mysterious nut. Palmer, through cunning, seduction, and subterfuge got a copy of Hojo's High School Picture:

Ahh, a strapping young lad, reminds me of one of those Lumberjacks. Palmer then started babbling something about fighting chimpanzees wielding straight razors, and then a cogniscient thoght sprang from his lips . .

"Hojo . . . he is the Joker"

Hmmmm, that boy might be right, even though he is a bit cracked. There is a uncanny resemblance . . . So I went into my computer to pull up some pictures of the Joker . . . my god . .

. . . it can't be . . .

We are all DOOMED!

I am Malach, hold me.


The Angry Piper said...

Whatever. He still uses Enzyte.

Hence his huge wang.

Your first question would not happen, Jesugod would not allow it, no, no.

Leave the good Christian boy Hojo alone, the Holy See, has big plans for him, yes, yes.

Hojo said...

The make-up is applied all the way down to the wang, too. It also has similarly colored hair and a dab of red lipstick.

You seem to know a lot about me, Popey Old Chap. Though I am dragged to your Catholic service week after week, I have my own opinions on religion. I'm not going to accept something simply because you and your minions say it.

Hojo said...

I also like that Malach made me even whiter than I already am. I don't need your help!

Yeah, I ain't too much of a geek, or in love with Hojo now am I?

Andy T. Nguyen said...

The truth is revealed!

Choas_Dragoon said...

Oh Malach. If only you would photoshop my picture with that dedication.

YPG said...

Don't tell me, hypothisizing is a sin isn't it?

As for Hojo, I'd kiss those luscious lips of his.

Ypg: He'd probably bite your face off.

Okay...I'll do it....I'll answer the hypothetical question.

No, I would not enlighten the world to that knowledge. I'd rather live and die with it on my own then reveal it to the world.

Yeah, it is an interesting conundrum . .

Even when you spell it wrong! ;)

I would reveal it to the major churches and religions and tell them that their lies are preventing people from saving what little dignity is left i their lives.

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