No Longer the Noble Nobel

Friday, October 12, 2007

Today, the committee that awards the Nobel Peace Prize announced the newest winner: Albert Arnold Gore, Jr.

Now, when they announced that James Earl (Jimmy) Carter, Jr. had won the 2002 prize... I thought it tarnished the award. Now, with Al "THE PLANET HAS A FEVER" Gore receiving the prize, I think it has entirely discredited the award. It has gone the way of the Oscar to become nothing more than a cheap political statement.

I mean, Al "Where your heart is, there's your treasure also" Gore and good ole' Jimmy share the prize with Mother Theresa, Martin Luther King, Jr., Muhammad Yunus (a man who has helped millions come out of extreme poverty), Elie Wiesel, UNICEF, The Red Cross, the IAEA... these latter people are all ones who have done great things for peace in the world.

All Al "I took the initiative in creating the Internet" Gore has done was make a mediocre propaganda film, passed it as a Documentary (a very loose term to get an Oscar these days), and try to convince everybody that the sky is falling.

And, in the midst of this, scientists have called his conclusions faulty, judges have determined the film to be partisan and biased--yet people still think this man should be President of the United States???

Give me a break people.

I once thought the Nobel Peace Prize was an amazing accomplishment and honor. I thought it recognized people who had promoted peace and prosperity in the world. But, to my uttermost sadness, I am discovering that it is nothing more than a way for a small group of people to make partisan statements.

Jimmy Carter and Al Gore only got the million bucks and a gold coin because they whined about politics... and happened to please a small group of liberal activists known as the Nobel Prize committee.

Very sad. Very sad indeed.

That is all.



Wow you very anti-Democrat. Carter made peace between Isreal and Egypt, he should of won it then. Gore, well he did turn people on the to crisis of Global Warming, of course being the staunch Republican you are, global warming is just scare tactics for Democrats, like 911 is for Republicans.

Dr. Mantodea said...

Well, gosh I guess Al should just give back his share of the money from his award. I'm sure he will right after Henry Blood-of-millions-on-his-hands Kissinger gives back HIS Nobel prize money.

Me? I'm just sitting back to enjoy watching certain people froth at the mouth about this.

Of course, the fact that you think Carter never did anything to deserve his prize and also that Gore was just spouting "Sky is falling" propaganda shows you haven't spent much time actually looking at either issue very closely. So I guess you're one of those who I can enjoy watching.

De Pope should win the Peace Prize . . . I am the Prince of Peace, yes, yes.

FYI - Al Gore has donated 100% of all proceeds from the award to the Alliance for Climate Protection, a bipartisan non-profit organization dedicated to bringing awareness and resolution to the climate crisis.

OH - and thanks Pope for releasing that info on the Knights Templar. Great stuff!

Sara Sue said...

Don't tell me ... you voted for Bush, huh? I'm guessing twice.

What does global warming have to do with peace?

Oh, and Horatio...

It's a bleeding heart award for bleeding heart, idiot, take my money and spend it however you want liberals. THEY will never undertsand that you can't trust large organizations to bring peace and releif to other people.

But the will take the money and give it to... THEMSELVES!!!

Toyi said...

All world peace makers have a hiden agenda!!!

VERY true Toyi. Scary. We agree more and more each month.

I told you we were very alike at the core.

Toyi said...

someday someday...

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