It's Always Hump Day for Tainted-Love

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Just before the Garden of Eden officially opened for business, God approached Adam and Eve.
"Hey guys", said God, "I'm about to light the fuse on this whole Creation thing, and I just have a few details to iron out with you two regarding men and women."
"Shoot," said Eve.
"Yeah, go ahead,"said Adam.
"Well," said God, "here's the thing. I've been thinking about it, and I've come up with this: there should be some key differences between the two of you, otherwise I should have just made one, know what I mean?"
"Sounds reasonable," said Adam.
"Sure does," said Eve.
"OK, so I've come up with a list here. Who wants to be stronger?"
"I'll be stronger," said Adam.
"Fine with me," said Eve.
"OK," said God, crossing 'strength' off his list "who wants to be able to bear children?"
"I want that, too," said Adam.
"Hey-that's not fair!" said Eve.
"She's right," God said, crossing 'childbearing' off his list. "You got one, so she gets one. It's only fair."
"Whatever," said Adam, sullenly.
"OK, which one wants the ability to pee standing up?" God asked.
"Oooooh!!! Mememememe!!!!!" Adam raised his hand and jumped up and down. Eve rolled her eyes.
"OK, it's all yours," God said, crossing off 'pee standing up' from his list.
"Ha!" Adam said to Eve. "Do you know how cool this is gonna be? I can pee anywhere I want. I don't have to worry about ever finding a bathroom. It's gonna be awesome! I rule! You suck!!!"
"OK, Eve," said God, checking off the last item on his list. "That leaves 'multiple orgasms' to you."


Wow, Malach must be a woman then

Oh man, this one is as old as the 8 track tape player I've got in the barn playing BJ Thomas, Anne Murray and Neil Sedaka to sooth the restless cows.


Leave the jokes to the pros, bitch!

The Angry Piper said...

Tought crowd. This is why I don't tell jokes.


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