Yet another WoW Expose: Horatio K. Frankenziemer

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Yet another Buckos Brigade exclusive.
Not much was known about the man Horatio when he joined the Wand of Wonder, beyond his exhaustive Man Love for a one Uncle Mitt "I want your Blood" Romney. He would occasionally post right wing rants here at the WoW, and over at this own blogs but that is the little contact we had with him.

But once again, the Buckos Brigade has uncovered the truth. Malach was sent a package to his office, delivered by by capable hand of General Choas. Inside was a picture and a letter.

The picture was a large 8 x 10 glossy. I scanned it for you, here it is.

Interesting . . . but the enclosed letter was even more interesting:

All exhaulted Malach the Merciless
I write you with an aim to reveal the truth. I am a high ranking official in a covert organization, my name is not important, but the identity of one of your WoW bloggers is.

The included photo was shot in 2006 at a meeting in Syria. The Picture is of one Horatio Bush-Bin Laden, aka Horation K. Frankenzeimer. Shocking I know.

My organization has been tracking Horatio for some time now, it was only recently we realized he was the blogger Horatio.

Let me explain a bit more. We all know the Bush and Bib Laden families have been very tight since the early 1880's. Over that time, their bloodlines had occasionally merged. Sometime in 1942, H. W. had an affair with Alzubra Lama Bin Laden, a little known sister of Muhammed Bin Laden, and Horatio Bush-Bin Landen was the product of that.

Not much is know after his birth, he was hidden by both families in a effort to save face, but evidently Horatio remained in the Middle East.

Sometime around 1967, Horation formed a group called El Kiedia, which ultimately failed but was a inspiration for his half brother Osama. Horatio has been Osama secret right hand man ever since.

Horatio over the years has been responsible for Al Queda's web presence, the Mad Burt fiasco, being the main architect behind the attack of the USS Cole, getting the most recent pope elected, and most recently, Osama metrosexual make over:

Ability like that is very dangerous. Now, he has developed his blog persona, and now is using his internet fame to convince young people to vote Republican, and some really nut job candidates.

He must be stooped . . .

Gung Ho

Well, know, I see this might be a matter of national security.

I am Malach and I warn you of dangerous . . . rise the level to red.


Anonymous said...


Death to the evil A-rabs

Horatio said...


I noticed you committed the classic when attempting to write my name... adding the N at the end. I'm not really sure why people do that... other than the fact that -tion is much more common in the English Language than -tio. Funny.

Oh yeah... and that doesn't look anything like me. If you knew, I couldn't grow a beard like that if I tried!

I got my sources and they are all reliable.

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