
Friday, September 28, 2007

As Malach has pointed out, The Third Option Media site is undergoing a revamp. This is because, through the collective efforts of those that run and maintain our company, for free I might add, have managed to create a short film due for release in late November.

Due to contractual obligations, we are not allowed to tell you much. Let me assure you, that if successful, you are all welcome to offer your talents on the next production and will be credited, even *gasp* compensated.

The short film is backed by a multi-billion dollar corporation and will appear everywhere. The time to hop the bandwagon and kiss Malach's ass is now. More than that, this film WILL draw attention to your blogs, sites, articles, stories and web pages via connection with the Third Option Brand.

Our client list is growing, and soon, our wallets will be full and we might be able to contract people on short term basis for extra cash, so... let's get cooking.

A long time ago, Murk and Malach and Spacefarmer and Hurst came up with an idea. It went like this: set up an infrastructure of sites and gather as many competent voices/personalities as we can. Then, pound the streets until we hit a major deal. Then, recruit the best of the best to help with the big project.

Well, the door is opening. Soon, I will direct you to a site with some leaked footage and pictures. Then, when the movie hits, if it's got enough buzz, we will have the money and the contacts to engage in larger projects. Whether for fun or for profit, I encourage all of you to support the short film and spam the crap out of forums etc.

At the very least, your bog will get a ton of readers in return. And don't go all Polanski on me and say you don't care. No one takes the time to post to the internet without the desire to be read.

Thoughts and Prayers on the Future,

Oh, and look for a brandy new Murk and Malach Podcast featuring skyped in live guests. For more info on the podcast and how to get on a future one, contact Malach.


Yes, it is finally a big client, and international client, and just so you know, I am still talking with Hollywood types about JesusMan!

As for this film, it is going to be part of a viral marketing campaign, so marketing it all over will help.

Cross my fingers.

Also, this blog now has some awesome members, one of my goals when starting this was to get enough capital to pay people, we will see.

Mike said...

Great! All the best of luck in pulling it off.

good luck! although i hope the pictures include b00bz. if they dont, that's ok too.

I don't think the client would appreciate that

i thought everyone appreciated the pr0nz

I assume there will be a nice donation to the Church, no?

Anonymous said...

Did someone says Boobs?

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