So I checked my work email this morning, and this appeared.
FW: Picture . . . see carefully
Picture of MaryThe President of Argentina received this picture and called it 'junk mail', 8 days later his son died. A man received this picture and immediately sent out copies...his surprise was winning the lottery. Alberto Martinez received this picture, gave it to his secretary to make copies but they forgot to distribute: she lost her job and he lost his family. This picture is miraculous and sacred, don't forget to forward this within 13 days to at least 20 people. Do Not Forget to forward and you will receive a huge surprise!!
Of course Malach has replied to everyone of these forwards with: " Yeah, Jesus, that is his style to punish and kill people because they did not forward an email picture of his mother."
Do people think when they send these things out? Am I wrong, or has God created new rules regarding e-mails and internet based commication (notice how I covered my ass by posting this here).
I am Malach and I wonder . . .
This is an opinion,
I don't know who is more fool, the one who send these messages or the ones who listen to them...
where is everybodies faith depending on? a stupid message with facts that may not be more than lies
or God followers that may have God as a luck amulet instead of a God.
I have yet seen anything like thise. Usually I get the ones that say that it's a Buddha or Karma chain.
BUT!!! I have seen some pretty ridiculous religious e-mails that preach intolernace and hate. I really wonder why people blindly forward e-mails spewing that stuff in the name of God.
Of all the e-mails to receive on a Thursday morning...I get the one from my little sister saying that a poem about God and doing your Christian duty carries a blessing if you pass it on yet if you do not, then you too will be "left out of the book of life". What got me was the very first paragraph:
"If I don't get this back, I will know you really didn't read it. I got this from someone and thought the last part was really a good thought. Too bad that the person who sent it to me did not know 10 people who would admit to knowing the Lord."
WTF??? Am I suppose to feel guilty if I don't respond or forward it?? Will God bless me if I forward it, or curse me if I don't? And if I don't know 10 people to send it too, will I be condemned?
This is not Mary...this is Our Lady of Gudalaupe. A Saint whose feast day is December 12th.
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