A Musical Plug...

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Hello Children.

I am aware that it has been some time since I dipped my wee little toe back into the blogosphere, and for that, i apologize. I have missed my kiddies so, but with all the conspiracies out there, ol Hobbsy here went a little, well, buck nutty. After being drugged, beaten, and surviving an attempted reprogramming from those Illuminati scum, the folks at the asylum have been lovely to me. Unfortunately, they know what trouble the internet leads to for ol' Hobbs, and it's only when their backs are turned, dealing with one of my crazy roommates whom I repeatedly torment until they are whipped into a mouth-foaming ferverous ranting and raving so that many of our watchers must chase and scramble and tackle, leaving your friend Hobbs free to steal away and access my love of the mystical that is found on the internet.

And here I sit, to greet you all.

But I digress.....as I tend to do......

As some of you know, ol' Hobbsy here is a music lover, and some very good friends of mine have an interesting little project going on called Burnt Fur. If you like to dance, like to rock, enjoy some electro rock and roll, then I would like to recommend that you take a peek into what Burnt Fur is up to. You can even give a listen here.

And, as luck would have it, Burnt Fur may be coming to your area!

They've a few shows coming up, and I've taken it upon myself to share the wealth and invite my fellow WOW-ees to check them out!
  • For those of you who live in the Boston are, Burnt Fur are playing tomorrow night, Thursday September 27th, at the Bullfinch Yacht Club in downtown Boston (right near the TD Garden)!

  • For my friends on the South Shore, Burnt Fur are playing a FREE show at UMASS Dartmouth on Friday, October 12, 2007

  • Finally, for those of you who enjoy Drag Queens, Burnt Fur will be playing in the rock club section of Jacques Cabaret in Back Bay on Saturday, October 20th.

For more information, visit http://www.burntfurmusic.com/ and click on the live page for directions.

Keep an eye out for the old man in the wheelchair rocking out. That would be me.


Your lucky I didn't delete your ass . . . I pity the elderly.

Umass, Huh? What building?

youre in a wheelchair? that's hot. you should give me a ride in it. is it motorized? if it is, we should totally ride it around theme parks so we can skip ahead in the lines. so, here is the game plan, you bring your wheelchair, and i will bring my flask.

Mal, it's at the Recital Hall in the CPVA building (room 153)
Hope 2 see you and your many brothers there!

TM - I think I like you. Sadly, when I'm in the wheelchair, its because I'm too drugged up on anti-psychotics to stand on my own. I have a pusher.

CVPA! My old stomping grounds!

Bring Murk with you!

Wohosoho, that was music, is sound more like Ha-Satan rending the flesh of baby kitties, yes, yes.

I curse your "band".

Toyi said...

^ do your curses feel like tickles?

The Angry Piper said...

Oh, I'll keep both eyes on you, Hobbs.

At least until I close one.

When I aim through the scope.

Tainted~Love said...

Love a man who can rok it out in a wheelchair. I agree with TM that's fucking hot! ~wicked smooches Hobbs~

Way to spam the new readers, you self promoting crank!

I'll try to attend, but my mental disorders are unpredictable at best and I might decide to stay home and listen to Rubber Soul for 15 straight hours.

Oh, and read John Twelve Hawks, you lazy ass!

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