Welcome back WoWees

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Welcome to the Wand of Wonder 2.0.
Thanks to the 100 (down from about 250) or so people who held onto our feed while the WoW has gone through some changes. Missing or absent contributers, technical issues with Blogger, and a web address change; you are the reall WoWees, and we love you.

You many notice some changes here at the WoW. Gone is most of the dead weight, contributers who don't blog or at least post comments. That being said, I did not have the heart to remove the Cap'n. Even though he has been missing from the blogsphere for a while now, he is a founding member of the WoW, and I miss his crazy frenetic posting. I also kept Hobbs, I feel sorry for the elderly, sue me. Here now are several new contributers, prolific bloggers, who are also pretty funny, and very good writers. Mike, Sara Sue, Tequila Mockingbird, Colonel Colonel. I also have a couple more invites out and see if more will join this madness. In addition, as I am updating Third Option Media, I am adding a list of contributers with their main blogs to our blog archive.

So then new contributers, welcome to the WoW 2.0, the rest of WoWees welcome you (man I am gonna have to make a WoW 2.0 tee). And as always, if you want to join, you need to e-mail myself or Dr. Murk, and give us an e-mail, as that is the only way Blogger does invites. Also Murk and I are the administrators contact us with technical issues.

OK, a review
So, now, for our new contributers and the new readers they are going to bring along with them, some info about the WoW. First, there are no rules here. It is anything goes blog. While there is a limit to what we allow, we have yet to delete a post for breaking or reaching that limit. What is the limit? We would delete hardcore porn (but not nessecarily links with warnings to porn), advertising spam (but not plugs) such as the penis enlargement/viagra garbage, and that's really about it. The other thing we discourage is flooding (multiple posts in the course of a day, say like 5 within a 3 hour time span), and adjusting your time stamp so your article always stays at the top of the page.

You may post any weird philosophy, support for any position, strange images, fiction, non-fiction, home improvement, what ever. Malach might take some of your stuff, and repost it at Third Option Media or Stool Sample Webhosting, with permission of course. We have done this before and have had wonderful results.

So have fun, go off, and most of all make us laugh . . . or piss us off . . .

I am Malach 2.0


But you have not invited de pope, no, no.

soooo, youre saying i cant tell everyone about the great new products that have made my dick bigger, and my erection more throbbing and last longer?

Perhaps, if they are your own personal inventions.

hmmm... when "dating" i like to use the combo of rufies and viagra. it seems to get the job done. i'm not selling it on the internetz... YET!

Mike said...

So you are saying that there might be products out there that will make my dick bigger? Wow. Imagine that. Actually, my dick used to be a lot bigger than it is now, but Al Gore invented global warming and that caused my dick to melt.

Thanks for the invite. I'll try not to let you down.

Eve said...

You listed all the reasons I read it. The new contributors are great!

Hojo said...

Wow, I'm still a member? Really?

I'm going to try to post more often, but senior year is kicking me in the dick and sponging my creativity and will to live like some sort of woman.

The Angry Piper said...

Malach is gay!

Yes, Hojo still is around, comments and posts, that is all I want.

Yes, I am gay for a skirt wearing bag piper.

Thank you for keeping me on board, Malach! Occasionally my life support systems works well enough to allow me time to post, but I apologize that it is so rare!

miss you, Piper. kisses.

helpful critic said...

we, on the other hand, are unthrilled with you, Malach.

De Pope, request that the helpful critic submit his sinful life to Jesus, yes, yes.

Toyi said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Toyi said...

^ dont steal my line

Tainted~Love said...

No rules ...humm this could be fun. ~wicked grin~

WoW 2.0 is to seperate the Playas from the Posers.

Post hard, cocksuckers.

YPG said...

I still exist here....yay.

YPG is part of the WoW 2.0 Affirmative Action Initiative, so he won't get fired.

YPG said...

Does this mean I get a pay raise and occational 'favours' from AP?

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