The Lives of Celebrities….

Sunday, September 30, 2007

…..are none of my business, and none of my concern. And it should be that way for you as well. Americans (well, people all over the world, but it seems to be especially Americans) have a sick fascination with the lives of celebrities. And it saddens me. Is it just that you all want to live that life and cannot, so you insist on the vicarious? Are your lives so empty and plain that you get that much of a thrill from that antics of Britney Spears and Paris Hilton? And do you realize the power you give to such no-talent hacks as Ms. Hilton, who is only a celebrity because you watched her. There would be no television show for that rich little witch if it were not for your paparazzi eyes obsessing over her every move.

There are many levels of consumerism. America is a country of consumers. And what we have created with this celebrity obsession is a raging appetite to consume the lives of people who, for the most part, have no reason to be in the spotlight. And we allow big business to bait us and lead us into the easiest way for them to strip us of our finances. They quickly and easily created disposable pop stars, and throw them into the piranha tank that is pop culture. And you buy into it. You give them your money, purchasing their useless rags of wasted paper to read about Brad Pitt and Lindsey Lohan.

The world of music and acting is a twisted blend of Art and Entertainment, and sadly the lines are blurred between the two. We have allowed this, and this is how they manipulate us. I am thankful that there is still an artistic integrity existent in Film and Music, that there are people who cherish their crafts and treat them as such, and not just a quick financial raping injected our culture. I truly enjoy the work of John Malkovich, and I couldn’t care less who he’s sleeping with. I thought Brad Pitt was fantastic in 12 Monkeys, Fight Club, and Snatch. And I have NO IDEA what he and Angelina are up to. NOR DO I WANT TO. If Brad were pulling a Michael Vick and torturing dogs, then yes, I want to know, as I do not want to support such a monster. But I need not know who’s bed he visits regularly, as it has NO IMPACT. Those who know me know that I am a huge music lover. And I know almost NOTHING about the lives of the musicians who’s work I enjoy. And I’d like to keep it that way. I enjoy their work, and I’m happy they create it.

Now, where would a Hobbs von Wackamole post be without the conspiracy? And here it is. The Government and the Media work well together, and they know that, because you allow it, they create and control your perception of the world around you. They have long decided what we find beautiful, and what we don’t. And they know to do this in order to get at your hard earned dollar. You’ll buy the clothes they want, inject the botox, have the fat sucked out of you. It is the perception that they have given you. And even better than that, it’s much easier to hide the important things that happen in the world, because you allow them to distract you. They can very easily back-page stories on political malfeasance and war crimes, because OJ Simpson is up to his old tricks again. And how often, I wonder, do they simply create, as easily as a bad action movie, the stories that are in our front page. Did OJ really do what he is currently accused of, or is he simply collecting a big government paycheck to act the role and fill the front page. They know that most American’s wont read anything for more than five minutes, and we’ll never pay attention to the GOP’s avoidance of the minority debate.

So, I ask you to do one thing. STOP AND THINK. Please, for the love of freedom and reality, start THINKING!!!! Maybe it will make a difference. You’ve only got 5 years to do so!

And I leave you now, with a quote from true artists.

“Never mind what they’re selling. It’s what you’re buying.”

Truer words rarely spoken.

~ HvW


It is great to see the old man back to his old form

The only celeb you all need it De Pope, yes, yes.

I heart the pope

Mike said...

Nicely said....and sadly, very true.

Sara Sue said...

I agree completely. Kill your t.v.

YPG said...

How else will we know which celeb's 'home movie' is on the web?

more.....i want more......

Toyi said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Toyi said...

I like you "end of pop era preacher".

Yes, Toyi, I will preach to you all.
pass my messages on, and perhaps together we can redeem our species.
but, don't hold your breath.

we'll probably have to kill off about 3/4 of them

Toyi said...

do you think Malach "mind bullets" will be helpfull?

Did you hear that Britney lost custody of her kids! OMG!!! It's all over the news!!!

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