Exposed Again: I'm a Terrorist

Thursday, September 20, 2007

I'm just gonna have to thank his holiness the pope (sporting a very sassy cowboy hat, I might add) for pointing out Malach's latest rant on me. It turns out I'm a terrorist, eh?

Honestly... why WAS I invited onto this blog? I'm still a little confused about that. That isn't to say I'm ungrateful... But, why would one pass up the chance to rant in a more public forum. I mean... Horatio's Land of Joy was a lotta fun, but just doesn't get quite the exposure I might get over here.

Yep... I'm an Arab lover. Actually, I'm not all that attracted to Arab girls (and don't have a man-crush on anybody, let alone Mitt). Personally, I think the Arabs are the most welcoming and hospitable people I have ever been around. And, gasp, I speak their language. It's amazing what happens when you learn to talk.

But... um... nope. Not a terrorist. I wouldn't mind having some of the amazing bow-hunting-type skills that terrorists gain in their boot camps. But, the awesome workout didn't seem worth the ideological issues and moral quandaries of crying "death to infidels". I'm a pretty religious guy... but I've never gone quite that far. (It turns out that I have not joined the military for exactly the opposite reason that I'm not a terrorist. IN that case, I fully believe in the cause, but still didn't think I would excel with all the other things. It would be a great way to get in shape, however).

See, terrorism and blind liberalism seem to have the same problem these days: completely distorted views of conservatism. One wants to shun us because we actually like religion. The other wants to shun us because we aren't religious enough. Both suffer from a terrible case of myopia.

Take Bush for example. People call him stupid, inept, ideologically lost, ineffective... but somehow he has been one of the most effective presidents in modern history. You may not like what he did to the country, but you have to admit he managed the process pretty well. He has played the political wave better than even Clinton did. And, the only reason liberals can find to hate him is a) the war or b) he's dumb. Well, obviously he pulled a fast one on us, because he has gotten a lot of stuff done.

What is my point of this rant? I don't know actually... I'm just writing. Yep, I'm a conservative. Yep, I'm probably going to vote for Mitt Romney (I mean, competence is always a nice thing to have in a chief executive... even more than ideology). Nope... not a terrorist. But, I have spoken to a few of them. They're an interesting lot.

If you don't like my rants... um... fire me. Until then, you can live with the fact that liberal politicians can't seem to get their heads out of their butts and actually do something... that socialism (to any degree) has NEVER worked because the people who tout socialism always tend to be capitalists at heart... And, though you hate Bush, he has certainly seems to have the world wrapped around his finger... and nobody on the other side seems competent enough to take his place.


Furthermore... Uncle Mitt doesn't want your blood... just a small contribution.


That is all.



That bastard the Pope, but I got the info from a very reliable source . .

The Angry Piper said...

Horatio: I don't know you, and you don't know me. You seem like a smart fellow.

I, myself, am a very smart fellow.

I dislike (a pithy understatement if ever there was one) Bush because of the war. While I do think he's stupid, I think he's worse than merely unintelligent. He's stupid because he stubbornly clings to what he knows to be wrong and ignores the advice of experts because, well, he's stubborn. And when his policies fail to measure up to his own benchmarks, he changes the policies. He is attempting to turn our nation into a kingdom through a constant gross misuse of "executive priviledge", usually invoked whenever anyone wants to take too close a look at his often illegal practices.

But the number one reason I dislike Bush and his entire crony network is because they're a bunch of fucking LIARS who lie over and over and over again with seeming impunity.

They lie about the war. They lie about domestic spying. They lie about hurricane relief. They lie about attorney firings.And Bush is the biggest liar of them all, because not only is he the BMFWIC, not only does he lie for himself, he lies to cover all his friends' asses.

Sadly, I do agree with you that we have yet to find anyone competent enough to take his place. That's what elections are for, and the next one can't come soon enough. Bush and his "I'm going to rub my big American cock in the world's butter dish" policies have done more to harm our international relationships than anything in the history of our nation, including when we dropped two nuclear bombs on Japan. Almost everyone hates us now. Even the Brits have wised up and changed leadership.

If you think we have the world wrapped around our finger, I would respectfully ask what world you're living in.

You Heathen

Hojo said...

Only a terrorist would not support Ron Paul.


Mike Gravel for president.

Forrest Proper said...

Gotta say, Mitt Romney was guv'nor of my state for almost two years (he basically took the last two years of his term off to campaign for President and make fun of Massachusetts), and he was one of the least competent Governors I've ever seen.

He was completely incapable of getting anything done on his own, and refused to work with the State Legislature to get anything done by consensus.

He's now telling a lot of lies about his record, but they are just that- outright lies. The *only* thing he had to do with the health insurance plan we just enacted was to try to defund it at the end of the process. Everything else was done by the Legislature. The "surplus" he created for the state budget was actually created by completely cooking the books -all the figures he publishes are, in fact, incorrect. The incoming Governor was stunned to learn from Mitt's own people, after the election, that the real figures had been supressed by Mitt, and the figures Mitt was quoting on the campaign trail (and still quotes) were simply completely wrong.

And, oh yeah- I know folks who worked on the Salt Lake City Olympics and from what I hear it was the same there- Mitt came in and took the credit for others' hard work while doing nothing more than acting important and pissing people off.

This is a man who stated during a Massachusetts Senatorial campaign debate that he was a more faithful champion of Gay Rights than Ted Kennedy.

He's a liar and a manipulator and a loserman.


You were invited because I d4emanded that Malach invite some right wing people like me on here. I was alone and it seemed like, because everyone disagreed with me, that I was just some lunatic.

So, Malach invitd you, and now he's going to abuse us both.

The Angry Piper said...

Yeah, Dr. Murk is a right winger. But even he doesn't like Bush.

Toyi said...

but the worst story about right wing I have ever heard was friday...
Some Christian-republican mature person said that
"Like Israel had to go around Gerico, US has to fight Iraq"

lol, I laughed in my heart at that moment cause I still had a respect for her.

Dr. Mantodea said...

Ahh yes, Bush has been very effective.... Why, I have a whole list of accomplishments he has under his name right.. here, somehwere... yeah it's... no.. maybe in my other pocket... no, not there either... Oh, hmm, no bother, I guess you will be kind enough to list for us all here what exactly he has accomplished effectively?


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