When this turns back into a decent blog, I will stop posting so much crap. (it's sort of a chicken before the egg thing.)

Friday, February 02, 2007

This one's for you, AV!


Uhh, then stop posting crap over and over again.

How is my stuff crap but everyone else's stuff is not? Copy/pasted jokes are not crap? Endless self promotion is not crap? YouTube spam is not crap?

Dr. Murk and Toyi are the only ones posting quality stuff these days.



On the plus side, JesusMan! will be finished today.

Christopher said...

Thank God you pulled that punch off me. I've been busting my derby.


Toyi said...

I don't mind!!!

The true question is: when is Spacefarmer's stuff NOT crap?


Is "busting my Derby" a special code phrase for an obscene sexual act?

The true question is how much dick as AV been sucking to cause him to be too busy to post?

Tainted~Love said...

Well shit then .....Maybe Hump Day Jokes should go out the window, since it's so easy to copy & paste. But fuck then what would I do next ...copy and paste new stories. Copy and Paste tasteless pictures???? Damn ...what to do now.


Tainted~Love said...

You know the more I thought about it I don't just copy & paste. 1st I find what jokes I'd like to share, then I get them, then I put them in the order I find they should be. Then I put my silly shit to it, then I post them for all to enjoy. It's a lot more work then someone might think.

Who is to judge what is crap anyways?

Shouldn't this blog be about everything and anything (except sexual content)?

I don't know why I'm all ralled up now, but damn it I AM!@!

Speaking of crap, the new JesusMan! is up.


Christopher said...

Everything is crap. Andy Warhol was right.

Love is crap

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