No, You Dorks...

Friday, February 16, 2007

This is the world's most dangerous bug. Don't believe me? This is Dr. Mantodea, as drawn by one of his "experiments" who miraculously escaped the Doc's secret island laboratory. The artist was once a Nobel Prize-winning geneticist. Now he just drools a lot.

Dr. Mantodea is without a doubt the world's most dangerous bug, for bug he is, having lost whatever vestigial remnants of humanity he possessed. Can Fat Bug make a nuclear weapon? Not likely. Is whatever the hell that thing the Cap'n posted a pic of contemplating the destruction of humanity even as we speak? Doubt it.

But Dr. Mantodea is.


Wrong fucko, Fat Bug, the world's most dangerous bug! has killed numerous superheros, webcomic beings, and blew up Megatokyo with an Nuclear WMD (see episode 1.2). Just for that, Fat Bug will kill Dr. Mantoad in the next episode.

Dr. Mantodea said...

Insect, mantids are insects, not bugs. You fucking ignorant twatsores.

Kill me all you want Malach, I have infinite lives.

And Piper... how's that intestinal parasite treating you?

Toyi said...

NAH... he is just lucky, he has just never encounter his 1st female,he would be done and gone after that eh eh (sorry I couldn't resist ^-^)

Tainted~Love said...

Dear baby jesus ...protect me forever from Dr. Mantodea who claims to be the world's most dangerous bug. Thank you dear baby jesus. ~smiles~

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