Happy Valentines Day from the WoW

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Love, I get so lost, sometime . .

I am Malach, and Dr. Murk is crying right now after seeing this post (Ok Malach too).


I don't want to sell anything, buy anything, or process anything as a career. I don't want to sell anything bought or processed, or buy anything sold or processed, or process anything sold, bought, or processed, or repair anything sold, bought, or processed. You know, as a career, I don't want to do that.

I want to be a kick boxer

The Angry Piper said...

Just think how much cooler it would be if that radio were playing "Let's Put the X in Sex."

What the Hell is up with your fascination with KISS?

Anonymous said...

Awwwe the 80's! Love it! Love it!

Hey Tina . . former college friend of Malach's

Toyi said...


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