Truth, the Ultimate Conspiracy...

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

....yes, Hobbs here, back from the field for this one quick note.

I hear some Rat Bastard named Christopher killed my good friend and compatriot, Dr. Robert J Murk (Awesome!)!!!

Now, I've long suspected that dick Murk of some pretty shady operations. Homemade hooch laced with poodle piss, Solar Panels that begin playing Bette Midler songs at inhuman volumes one week after installation, a giant metal plate to block out the sun. These are just a few examples of the evil that is Robert Murk.

But the worst thing that scumbag has done was kept so well under wraps, that only the 'coincidence' of his death, so perfectly timed with another, has brought it to life.

I, the ultimate paraniod kook, bring you the real truth, and one of the many secret faces of Dr. Robert J Murk:


Christopher said...

Even I'm shocked. I think I may have made a mistake. Wasn't he a Man of God or something?

Ah well. Can't change the past. Back to the confessional I guess. I'm really glad he's gone.

HOLY SHIT it's Hobbs Von Whackamole.

Toyi said...

^ oh he he I get it now.

Tainted~Love said...

Another one bites the dust .....

Toyi said...

^ I am not a fan of that guy, but I don't think is nice to say things like that, is not fun for us when someone we know dies.

I myself don't support Gay community, I wouldn't do their lives miserable either, but I won't thank if one of them dies just because we don't share the same thoughts and sexual habits you know.

Bercause what is what make each of us diffetent, are we talking about other haters but are we loving or joining their team carring the same feelings?

Tainted~Love said...

Come now Toyi ...can't a girl say anything she wants around here?


Must have touched on something sticky!

Tainted~Love said...

Oh yeah ...and I'm not that nice!! ~WEG~

Toyi said...

well yeah maybe if toyi said something like "I Hate Gays" or said "Elton John Bit the dust" after he dies you guys would ve come all over eh that is my point, Can't he has the right to say he hates them? just like you have?

That is my point!!! I Hope you get it, is very easy to get, and analize.

bla bla

Toyi said...

and I am pretty sure it touched you too, otherwise...maybe I am right, maybe you are a hater too.

is brave to admit things you know, maybe you aren't.

Tainted~Love said...

Not a hater ...much more the lover. My remark "Another one bites the dust" was for humor, not hate.

And I do understand what you said before. But hey I didn't kill the guy and in all honesty so many more people die daily that are much more worth my time to talk about. ~smiles softly~

I quite honestly dispised this guy. I am not afraid to admit it nor will I have any problem defending it. He was an ignorant pompous asshat who hid behind Christianity (more specifically, his self-created church) to do his political and personal bidding. The Moral Majority was a ridiculous political notion that did absolutly NOTHING but create not-so-talented spin-off's such as Tammy Fae Baker! Any man who has the audacity to state that gay's and feminists were the cause of the 9/11 attacks has, in my opinion, very little intelligence.

And TL is right, there are way more people in this world who deserve attention then this jerk off.

BTW-I think he had a gay-lover in college before he had his Christian re-birth.

Christopher said...

Okay, cat fight!!!!!

Oh wait, That's gay and off topic right?


I love all you ladies.

Let's not let a little thing like hate get in the way of love, k?

Toyi said...

TL, I just thought it a bit too drastic sometimes we need to have more tact around dead people, just for respect, I really wouldn't like that when some of my family dies, a coment like that is made that is all, okay I will leave it up to you.

JM, I complitely agree with you.
The only task from God that Christians have been asigned in this world is to preach what he left in bible nor by any means God's word should be imposed, I know God word itself is a little tough for humanity including ourselves. I truly believe God's word is for everybody that wants to listen, if people listen with the perfect heart then he works and there is no need to force there is where I believe is the difference btw religion and God.

Tainted~Love said...

Toyi ...I would never disrespect your family. ~smiles~ I understand we both have totally different views. But that is what makes us us. Right? Now have a good Friday! ~hugs~

Toyi said...


Toyi said...


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