Spammer is arrested

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Who-hoo!! Stupid (but smart) spammer who allegedly lived a lavish life-style and was stealing websites, money and identities was arrested yesterday!!

Robert Alan Soloway is accused of using networks of compromised "zombie" computers to send out millions upon millions of spam e-mails.

"He's one of the top 10 spammers in the world," said Tim Cranton, a Microsoft Corp. lawyer who is senior director of the company's Worldwide Internet Safety Programs. "He's a huge problem for our customers. This is a very good day."

Click the title for the complete spammmer-ific story!

*does a happy dance*


Toyi said...

never paid me a visit!

Personally, I am not a big fan of spicy canned meat.

Hojo said...

I'm rethinking my policy against the death penalty. This guy needs to be put down. Actually, he should be force-fed those penis enlargement pills that are offered in every spam email until his artery ruptures and he dies from penile blood loss.

The Angry Piper said...

That would be assuming they actually work, which they don't.

Don't ask.

Toyi said...


Tainted~Love said...

Spammmer-ific ....YEAH BABY! ~grins~

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