Who is this new "Jesus"?

Thursday, May 10, 2007

I know this is old news but my little sister called me this morning wanting to know if this was the anti-christ. So then I got to thinking about my fellow brothers and sisters here at the WoW and thought, "I would love to hear their debate on THIS." So...let's hear it!


He ain't no JesusMan!

Toyi said...

Bla!!! that guy is just a loved loser...
I hope that one day he stop believing he is a God so he can start listening to the real one.

He's convincing people to get "666" tatooed on their body because "the devil is dead".

I think David Koresh was the Second Coming, or perhaps Jim Jones.

Toyi said...

Well just me, is not a surprising, things like this is very common in latin countries not only for God gospel but for anything, religions like the one he is promoted are blended because they don't proclaim the gospel given by the bible. phalse Religions are very easy to target when you have present what the bible says how to recognize them, I admit is a bit more difficult to recognize when your own church is walking out of the true path (By experience) but as I said, bible principles tell me and warns me about them all over it, what is the best key to find out? have the principals present and don't forget who you are truly trusting the pastors or God.

I'm surprised these religious people don't exhibit more critical thinking skills.

Oh, wait. Right.

*laughs* I have no clue.

Toyi said...

And let me tell you why AV, and that is what I meant when I said make a difference btw trusting God or the Pastor. What I say here not even Christians understand it sometimes nor non christians because is very deep and is almost a different language...lol

When you become Christian or Jesus follower?

easy to answer... when you
1- Repent from your sinfull life
2- proclaim the name of Jesus as your savor.
3- Reborn from water by being Baptized.

following that event the holy spirit (The gift of God) comes and lives inside you, you as a Christian and human now have 2 different natures:
1-Fallen or Sinfull nature (regular man)sex crazy, drunk, drug adict, hater, loser or whatever good man w/o holy spirit etc etc.
2-And the Spiritual nature, which gives you the chance to install God's wishes and makes you easily overcome things like, sex desires out of marriage, hate your brother, by calmed, patient, etc etc when you let spiritual nature be on top of the fallen nature... you achieve things like God Gifts, discernment of spirit, wisdom, eunuc nature lol, etc etc thatmight be harder to achieve w/o the holy spirit

so yes you can follow God either way in fallen or spiritual nature, this gives 2 different results...
1-when you follow God in fallen nature which is about "feeling" oh that pastor spoke to my heart, That Gospel group made me feel God spirit (and honestly many mega churches make you feel this way) but at the end is all about you finding out if you are following in fallen nature.

2- Take it easy, live day by day... the spirit fills the gaps, no need for premarital sex, no need of alcohol, or TV or name it... you are wise, no situations shake your boat, you live for God.

So... when you have what I wrote very marked, ten is very very easy to recognize what is love and what looks like it.

I'd have to say that Toyi has made a very good Christian point. Well done!

I just think it is interesting that if Jesus comes back to this world, most Christians would not acknowledge him and label him a kook.

Toyi said...

oh and just one little parentesis.. in my second point (spiritual living for God) you still need help to accomplish that...
what is the help? simple..what is given in the bible as "The Body of Christ..." what is the Body of christ? is just like a body, where all members have functions and they are united by joints ligaments where one depend in the other member to survive and to support each other, where the weak is important because even w/o the member the body would not function properly.
The primary church was set this way. There is a verse where Jesus say... "I will come back to take myself" what this means? Take his body... "The Body of Christ"
Now many religions have narrowed or changed the "Body of christ function" by setting a sunday for everybody to attend, but not really going in dept as of ask what is wrong with my brother or give attention to my brother as he deserves, and people on sunday rarely know each other far than their first name... so this basically eliminates the function of a "Body of Christ"

So that is why I say, careful, cause not everything that speaks the name of God does specifically do what God had specified, that is why religion is very dangerous because can start in the right path and then turn over or start in the wrong path.

The Holy spirit well excercised does give you hints when things start going wrong.


Anonymous said...

YEA AND VERILY, I HAVE RETURNED. Would anyone like a taco? They are SPICY!

I'll take one of your spicy Jesus tacos.

Mmmmm. Mexican food. Now there's something I can believe in.

Let them fight it out

That totally kicked ass! Noah was way too tough for me to beat.

Christopher said...


The Man, The God, The Franchise.

You know, I bet Jesus doesn't get a damn Peso from all this.

What the hell? Did George Lucas make that commercial?


Padme. Heh heh heh.

But seriously folks, let's be reasonable. If and when Jesus comes back (he might have decided not to bother at this point), we won't know it until it's too late.

So, if you're into Christianity, get ready now just in case. If you're not into Christianity, I recommend a delicious roast beef sandwich with horseraddish, and an afternoon nap. Can't beat that!

What do I care? If he's back, won't he know me anyways? He's God, right? If I put on a nice suit, will he say "hey, you cleaned up real nice, Chris! Come on up to heaven and let's play cribbage!"

Man, I've got a lot of eslainin to do, Lucy!

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