Hill Clint

Saturday, August 25, 2007

That idiot Hillary Clinton is in the news again. She believes a terrorist attack will help the GOP (those are the Republicans).


This is why women, specifically Hill Clinty, should not be President. Only a silly woman would connect a terrorist attack to her own suffering. She should have added, "How come this always happens to me? Every time a terrorist kills someone, I lose voters!" Real freaking bright.

Here are Murk's top 11 reasons a woman should never be president.

1. Every month, the secret service would think she got shot in the privates.

2. She'd turn the White House into the gay Pink House with stupid lace curtains.

3. Other leaders could kidnap her and set a trap until a real man freed her.

4. Women are dumb.

5. Men are freaking so smart, dude.

6. A woman President would spend all her time gossiping with the wives of other leaders instead of running the country and doing the damn laundry.

7. Women. Hahahahaha. That's funny.

8. A woman President would resign like fifteen times because it's too hard and then complain when someone else does it right.

9. All women are crazy hypochondriacs. We'd have to get the "Presidential Illness of the Day" from CNN. Idiots.

10. Feminine hygine products strewn about the lawn. Not going to help our image.

11. Carter and Kennedy. We already had 2 women Presidents and how'd that work out?

Bonus: Hillary already had her turn for 8 years.



The Angry Piper said...

I was going to call you a chauvanistic asshole, but then I read number eight.

Number eight is so true.

You forgot they would get bored with the country and move on with a prettier younger country.

Hojo said...

She would never form alliances with other countries because she always has a "headache." Bitch, we need to pair up with other countries sometimes. It's healthy for our relationship.

Christopher said...

She'd flip out on the Press when the ask her the same questions, and then recite, from memory, a list of everything everyone in the room had done wrong for the past 15 years.

Then, she'd run up the national debt buying shoes until she felt better.

Anonymous said...

She'd sleep with a priest and steal his wallet.

FreeOscar said...

She's menopausal now. That means she's ten times crazier.

Hot flashes will cause nuclear war.

Nucular War. I want that.


That's a Hillary tee shirt waiting for Malach...

Eve said...

I laughed out loud when I read Christopher's comment. That is true.

Can do ./ .

I don't think Hill Clint should be pres....

But that doesn't mean I would exclude ALL women. I've met some power house women in my adventures of corporate America. I'd have say that some of those bitches are more manly then most men I've met.

As for Murk....you're just jealous that you're not going to make it as President, so stop your whining you fucking douche bag.

You can be the President.
I'd rather be the Pope.
You can be the side effect.
I'd rather be the dope.

- Prince


No worries. I have an even longer list of why men shouldn't be President. Should I post it?

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