Dear John Barack McCain Obama

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Dear Sir,

One of you will be our next president, and their are a ton of issues to face. The most pressing issues is this countries economy: the prices of consumer goods, the mortgage crisis, and general cost of living.

Malach is not poor, in fact, he is far above what the poverty level is for a family of four. I am not wealthy either, my wife and I don't even bring home a six figure salary combined. I am a married man, with a mortgage, a car payment, and two children, your typical tax paying, voting American.

Here is the problem. Over the past year, it has become a struggle to live a decent life. Between the cost of daily living, monthly bills, and my mortgage there is little left to save, or even use for fun. Many of you know Malach was effected by the Sub Prime Mortgage Crisis. Well needless to say this threw my own personal financial health into disarray. But I persevered. In that time though, the price of gas has essentially gone up almost 400%, which in turn has raised the prices of food and other products. My winter gas bill, went up almost 25% per month. To top it off, both me and the wife have jobs that require driving (I do around 400 miles a month for work).

Then you go to a store to buy groceries, and a bill that cost $120 six months ago, now costs $180. It is almost as if that extra $500 transferred from my mortgage to my living expenses, and I am a very frugal guy. My Health Insurance keep going up 5 - 7% while my pay only 3%.

I know this is not only effecting me, I see it everyday at work, and more and more affluent people come in seeking help with bills, mortgages and such. I even have friends, who make double what I do, having financial issues too.

Something has to change, I am afraid New Deal style sweeping changes need to be made. And I don't mind tightening my belt a bit, but what I do mind in deciding between paying my car, and going grocery shopping, cause I can no longer do both. I love my job, and I suppose I could try and find a higher paying one, or get another one, but why? How is that fair?


John Q. Public.


Toyi said...

I just found a new Job!!!!!
like 5 minutes away from home,benefits paid in full, etc a miracle to find a job these days uhh oh it had to be God.
although I haven't been hit for gas pricing yet (cause I currently work 10 minutes away from home now) I admit that with this new job I am going to bike in everyday to save money for the winter gas which I asume it will be around $8 per galon.

I kinda know these was going to happen long time ago, I knew that these resetion had been induced... by who? by Mortgators and fuel owners (who happen to be the same people) and who elses? the gov that has complitely detonated our tax funds in other countries.
I personally have no intention of trusting a man, because what one built with his hand the next one just blows it all away. what is the hope of voting for a bunch of dogs that only fight for the bone they want to eat themselves? cause believe me I see nothing more than that "a dog fight" I see no lambs given to sacrifice at all.

Dr. Mantodea said...

If only Americans had some warning decades ago that this was going to happen. We could have started the ball rolling on alternative fuels, more efficient cars and better public transportation. If only we had known that unregulated markets (like the loaning industry), driven solely by greed and fear ultimately form an unsustainable bubble that is fated to collapse messily.

Oh, if only we had all known. Why, oh why, are we at the whim of such a random and unimaginable set of circumstances?

But at least I’m sure we have all learned our lesson this time around. I can’t imagine we will make the same mistakes with a different name tagged on in another few decades.

Yep, if there is one thing Americans are great at, it is learning from history and acting with more foresight than a middleaged fruitfly.

Toyi said...

I will gladly give you that last paragraph... is my oririn country if people die certain way, they will posibly contining dying the same way, there is no special caring for preventing deaths at all.
I was used to work for an electrical engineering Company and I had so much simpathy for electric line workers because they did not have the adecuate equipment to treat electrical problems... you know I always thought of them when was raining etc and feared that the next day I was going to hear bad news about any of them.
I admit that is something I noticed from americans, they care for lives and I liked that fact.

AngryMan said...

Work harder, that is the solution to everything. Or is it learn how to steal?

AngryMan said...
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