No way
You don't really think Malach went to see that tripe do you? Of course not, with the Celtics Game (BEAT LA! BEAT LA! BEAT LA!) last night and Battlestar Galactica winding down it's season, I had no need to see Sarah Jessica Parker's dog face on a 20' screen.
But my wife saw it, she said it was "Very Good". She would give it 3 1/2 Superstars out of 4. The atmosphere was kind of like opening night for Iron Man, except instead of geeks, the place was filled with desperate housewives. Unfortunately, she would not give me any spoilers, God I hate her, Torture Time!
I an Malach, and I was once Samantha for Halloween.
"Sarah Jessica Parker's dog face on a 20' screen".
^ same here
At least her dog looks better than she does!
My eyes!My eyes!That picture makes them burn!
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