Complaints Department

Thursday, November 08, 2007

Not usually my job, but I have a few issues. No. Society has a few issues. Hmmmmm. Alright. Maybe not all of society. A good portion of society. I only want to rant about one at a time so let's tackle the obvious: Celebrity Obssessions.

I don't know any celebrities on a personal level. Neither do any of my friends, family, co-workers or collegues. So, I was shocked the other day (maybe it was a year ago) when I asked a depressed friend what was bothering her. She was upset about "Brad and Angelina" fighting. Stupid me, Ithought they were just normal friends or family members of her. Nope. They were Brad and Angelina Jolie. They were perfect for each other! If they can't be happy, how can any of us ever find happiness???

Or, witness the debate that is Harrison Ford and Calista Flockhart. Many people obsess about whether she married him because he's Harrison Ford (which I admit, I would agree to do), or becauase it's true love.

Bulletin: It's all fake.

Soap Operas and Pro Wrestling.

Celebrities and Sports figures.

Lucky from GH and Michael Vick.




about these people. I don't care if Barry Bonds took steroids or what Lindsay Lohan snorts before doing 90 in her mom's new Porshe. I don't care. I don't.

I watch movies, TV and sports. I could care less about what happens when the show stops. People who work in factories for 20 years and end up bed ridden don't get a SportsCenter special, and they sure as heck don't make celebrity duckets. It might make an interesting read in a magazine here and there, but who cares that some linebacker has had too many concussions and has depression and health issues. I HAVE THAT! I want MY fifteen million dollar contract. To quote the wise and delicious Kurt Russel as Wyatt Earp in TOMBSTONE, "I already got the guilty conscience, might as well have the money too."

Everybody, join me in my latest campaign. Fuck Celebrities. Not sexually, but raise the finger whenever you hear, read or see one. If your friend starts talking about a celebrity, shout "Fuck Celebrities!" at them.


Next up: Politics.


Toyi said...

I feel so sorry for celebrities not to the point of getting depressed for them 'cause is not my task but yes I mean they are complitely unhappy but at the same time is the life they chose to live.
Fame and money doesnt come for free, they have to pay a price and that price is Loss of happyness, loss of real joy (the one that comes from your heart, well said from inside out).
I am not a celeb and I dn't want to be one.. I don't want that circus.


It didn't work when I ranted about this either. These hippies only hate republicans... for no reason whatsoever.

Eve said...

Could not agree more! Fuck em all!

Anonymous said...

Can you see the double flick off I am doing?!

"Fuck Celebrities!"

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