The Difference Between Cats and Dogs

Sunday, April 08, 2007

The difference between dogs and cats can be demonstrated by a simple test. When you point at something, even though dogs have no hands or fingers of their own, they understand that you are pointing at something and look in the direction you are pointing.

Cats look at your finger.

Cats are fucking stupid.

This is allegorical to religious fundamentalists who take the bible literally word for word as opposed to reading it for the messages that it is meant to convey. Por exemple, the book of genesis isn't really about the creation of the universe, that's just filler, background. The creation story is there to provide a backdrop for the characters-- the first humans, who end up, though their flawed human nature, falling from grace. This is followed by later stories of Cain killing able and Noah's Ark, which are also meant to talk about human nature and other rot, ad naseum. The point of the stories are the characters. Agree with their points or not, it's obvious to anyone who passed 6th grade reading that the stories are there to serve as parables and lessons on how to behave, how to overcome hardship, what foods are safe to eat, and how to slaughter a cow properly for sacrifice.

If you look at it that way, as many religious people with a functioning brain do, then you see no contradiction with science, knowledge and faith. Knowing you evolved from a common ancestor to chimps doesn't impact your spiritual life, or your faith in the Great Old One. But when a fundamentalist looks at each and every word as being literally true in these stories, they are looking at the finger, rather than what the finger is pointing at: namely the point of the damn story.

And that is why, like cats, fundamentalists are fucking stupid.

And also why they should be provided to high school biology classes, so they can be cut open to examine their small, formalin-steeped brains, before tossing them in the dumpster.

Oh, yeah.. happy fucking Easter.


the difference between cats and dogs.

Just cause a mutt follows you hand, don't make it smart. Cats are interested in what in in your hand.

Working with the disabled, I a have come to this conclusion. Cats are mentally ill, dogs are mentally retarded.

As for the Great Old One, what the hell does he have to do with Easter?

Dr. Mantodea said...

No Malach, cats are stupid. Dogs can answer the phone, lead blind people around and understand human speech. Cats can't do any of that shit even if they wanted to because they are stupid.

I know you are a cat person, admit it. I don't expect you to have a clear head in this matter. Just let it go.

And if you paid attention in Sunday School, you would have learned that The Great Old One tentacle raped a Japanese school girl for your sins, Malach.

Toyi said...

If I believe God made universe, why should I believe God made a chimp to become humnan later... that is not smart don't you think?
so than why are still some chimps left as chimps?

Dr. Mantodea said...

My dear, there is a vast internet out there with thousands of resources that can answer your questions about evolution, if you honestly care to know. Otherwise, don't bother asking questions. Asking a question without a desire to have it answered is dishonest.

Toyi said...

oh maybe you can't answer it lol

I ask you because you come up with this crap that is not even yours.

Toyi said...

so who taught you about what is dishonest? science?

Dr. Mantodea said...

The English Dictionary.

So, the fact the dogs will follow blindly like a lemming, and cats, do what they please, makes cats stupid?

Again with the Evolution thing. Toyi, you believe in the Theories surrounding gravity don't you?

Toyi said...

Mantodea... eh eh eh ehe he eheheh
so as a kid you learn about dishonesty through a dictionary? oh you are one of those self taught eh eheheheheehehehehehehe you must be a very gifted kid, eheheh first kid I hear that learned about dishonesty through a dictionary and was never taught by his mother...

I have nothing against science Malach and you know I don't, God gave us a mind to think... the problem with knowledge is that "could" start focusing in the wrong subject that is "Make human life easier" that is all...I believe you are getting this as you have in the past.

Toyi said...

so let me give you an example of what I am talking about, my favorite channel is the discovery channel and I enjoy it, I also read a lot sooooo

Lets bring King Tut, what is the mistery? he died from an illness or was killed? okay Malach do you know how many autopsis this guy have had? LOTS LOTS and every time they perform an autopsy they find out that was not what they thought the last time but what they thought the previous time, then they make a new one and they contradict themselves... so at the end what is the point? how many million of dollars are spent on these researches? are they going to prosecute the killer or something? No... C mon lets use common sense


Toyi said...

And also about things like this useless theory that Mantodea created about dogs and cats...

King Tut died 4000 year ago or so, it is kind of hard to concretely figure out how he died, and the evidence to do that no longer exists.

As for the money spent . . much of that money is from private interest museams, and donors, what they do with their money is their business.

Toyi said...

yeah but my point is.. it is smart to do it? or is that just they can't resist the challenge? that is what the difference btw knowledge to try to be a smart ass is.

Toyi said...

So this is what I don't like about it, just that sometimes they go on tangent... but generally speaking I am not against science, it just has that little defect to my eye.

Yet some christian completely hate it, well I am not speaking for them or for science that hates christianity I don't speak for them, I do know in fact lots of scientists that are jewish that have made great discoveries and still belive that God made them... is personal after all.

Science does not try to disprove religion, they try to prove what is real

Toyi said...

Oh Malach nice try, I wish that is true...

Science is playing dummy if they are trying to find God with methods and

Religion also play dummy if they try to proof God excistance scientifically.

Tainted~Love said...

I like dogs better than cats. Why, you may ask ...well because I do! ~grins~

Toyi said...

I also do love dogs, I never have had cats in the past just because I don't like cats, plus tell me this, who is the one really trying to see and unfold the past the past? isn't it science?
speaking for myself, past is writen in the bible so there is no need to look back.. so at the end who is the cat and who is the dog?

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