I Fell Down

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

I fell down. No seriously. I was walking along and I FELL DOWN. At first I was a bit embarassed, but the people who saw me fall were very nice and helped me up. I sure am glad that they didn't laugh. I didn't fall to be funny. I slipped and fell. They were all very supportive and asked if I was okay. What wonderful people! Yes.

Yes indeed. I was okay! The people were quite relieved. Can you imagine total strangers driven into a tizzy over a little slip by a man they didn't even know? How fascinating. How utterly humane of them! I never did anything for them before and I hardly had the chance to thank them for their concern afterward. Once they knew I was okay, they went about their business as if nothing had happened. Bless them! It was all just a part of everyday life. Sure, they worried a bit, but upon seeing I was fine, they let me be, knowing that when one falls it can be a bit embarassing and the people around should act with concern but also tact.

What spectacular people, these witnesses to my fall! I sure hope that if I fall again the people around me are as capable, caring and sensitive as the ones I met when I fell today!

Now, don't get me wrong. I won't be falling all over the place just to meet people or to test the mettle of slack jawed bystanders, but if I SHOULD fall, I'm merely stating that I would prefer people around me to act in the exact fashion that these pleasant folk did.

Actually, I'm glad I fell. Had I not, I never would have known what sort of people I want around in a fall and I certainly wouldn't have met these wonderful people that set the standard for behaviour when one falls in your proximity.

I can only hope that the future holds more pleasant surprises for me.

Thank you.


Christopher said...


Ahh the wonders of invisible turtles.

Toyi said...


Tainted~Love said...

I am guilty of laughing at strangers and their falls. I would only hope that I have been laughed too. At least you made it back up! ~smiles~

Toyi said...

^ so you mean you would laugh at Murk!!! like me?

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