Hey WoWees!

Saturday, March 08, 2008


We're ramping up.

Our mighty leaders Malach and Captain Flak Paperpants are REALLY busting some tail to take this thing global. I'm just a loud fart that announces stuff with a disgusting fragrance so that all will have to admit there's a stink in town.

Malach is now a Hub. What does that mean? His blog is a daily read for many people and more and more Buckos are reading by the day. He loves putting his blog up every night and I check his blog every morning BEFORE I go to CNN. He puts a lot of time and energy and soul into it. You all know he does a lot for our community. Let's give back. I want Malach to win a real internet blog award. Could someone find out how we can do this?

Now, The Captain. Oh, he's just an entertainer, right? No. Capn Flak is our money man and our marketing guru. He's got a plan. Trust me and hang on. We're paying out about $500.00 a month to keep the Network (3rd Option Network, that is), up. Hey, it's self sustaining at this point and we all get this great fun for free. But did you know Capn Flak makes that possible? Also, he's got the countdown going. This summer, we're making another leap up. Can't say much now, but every year, The Third Option Media Network (that's all of you as well) gets bigger. This summer?


Here's my advice to you all.

You are very creative, all of you. Work your ass off getting your portfolios ready. A new company is forming that might need you. GET READY FOR EVERYTHING.


Yay me

by portfolios you mean pics of ourselves naked, right?

Hojo said...

If that is the case, then consider it done, except viewing my portfolio will get you all arrested.


Mockingbird was joking. DO NOT send any "under the kilt" photos.

Mike said...

My portfolio and my prison record are both up to date.

Probably shouldn't have mentioned that whole prison part--huh?

Moooooog35 said...

My portfolio is currently residing on the computer of my college math professor.

..which is actually now in the evidence locker at the local police station.

I'll see what I can do to get it back.

Toyi said...

I am always ready with the sword of my tongue.

I don't know what he is talking about. I'm going to be working at Dairy Queen this summer.


can i operate the blizzard machine?

The Angry Piper said...
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The Angry Piper said...

"The sword of my tongue"

Toyi, you complete me.

(And yes, TM, that's exactly what he means. Send your portfolio to angrypiper@angrypiper.com).

The Angry Piper said...

Oh, and I never read Malach's blog. It's filth. FILTH, I tell you!!!!

I would read the Angry Piper's blog, just he never updates it . . . 1 year to describe a two week trip to Ireland

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