Remember me?

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

I'm Dr. Robert J. Murk.

Fuck all y'all, first off, you self agrandizing pigshits. You've massaged your egos long enough by blogging, multi-blogging, opening fifteen facebook and myspace accounts, playing second life or runescape, personalizing your ringtones, TIVOing thing in Hi Def, petitioning for cleaner energy and pining for hybrid cars, proclaiming the death of your own country, religion, society and economy (all of which carried your whiny ass from infancy until you rebelled by dying your hair or getting a mowhawk). You are all talk and no substance. You read wikipedia and think you're educated. You quote puppet politicians and follow blind, nonsensical public agendaa and rally against shit you didn't even know existed.

Get off your ultra hypocritical ass and put some action behind your high minded rhetoric. What good do you add to society? What have you done to uplift your fellow human beings? You just bitch bitch bitch and joke and prod and mock. Yes, you, ya cowardly snit.

Already forming your witty written response? Ready with your list of detailed past activities that you might or might not have done?

Don't bother. I know you're full of shit if you even try. Responding to this will only prove you guilty of non action. No excuses anymore. Stop lying to yourself. Stop planning and waiting for the right time. It's almost over, kids. The end is now drawing nigh and this is your last chance.

There is one question that deserves asking. I brought this up, so it's only fair to say, "Well, what the hell has Dr. Murk done?"

8 years. 8 fucking years at a pay scale that wouldn't feed a college student. 8 years busting my ass for people with no thought of reward or even thanks. 8 years of enduring taunts, insults, threats and slander from the very people I help and the people I work for. I did it because I owed. I fucked up and I owed. No, this wasn't court mandated community service, it was self imposed because I thought maybe the rest of the world felt like I did that if you were given something in a time of need, you gave back when you could.

Debt repaid.

I'm done.

I look at our collective group of bright minds and I see... talkers. Great talkers. That's all. Self promoters. That's all we'll ever be here.

That's not enough.

Take the thousand retorts, responses, accusations, rebuttals and rebuffs and shove them back down your throat and choke on them.

Or, be a good human being, shut down your computer right now and help a real live person in real life who needs you right now.

Less and less...

Less and less...


Dr. Mantodea said...


Hojo said...

I don't even know what he's angry about. He just complains about people who complain, and then complains that people who complain are mean to him.

Consider this my complaint.

Shaddup duplicated and redirected.

And complaining about my complaining about complaints proves the point.

Legitimate complaints will be accepted from those who actually DO something to improve society.

Why don't you both go eat some food and watch a little TV. You'll forget all about this in a few minutes.

Dr. Mantodea said...

I'm sure there's a huge number of people at this very momment who could use your help pulling them from a burning building. Do us all a favor and go do that, and keep doing it until you don't make it out.

Then you can have carved on your tombstone "He Deid Helping People."

Rough day Humping the Angry Piper?

Does this mean you still going to keep teaching?

YPG said...

What do I get for two village out reach programmes, a month and a half of teaching slum kids and making sure the stray dongs in the area get shots?

And considering we have no credit system here so there was no personal gain involved in doing any of those.

Not 8 years of being superman, but hey I'm still a kid. I've got an academic life to lead. If i don't I wont be able to take away your jobs when (or if) I immigrate to the U.S

Toyi said...

I am not here to remark what I do for others, but yes I agree with Murk that human being 99% of the times use you and 1% come and say "Thank you"

Happened to Jesus and not surprise that happens to you or me lol

Luke 17:11-19

All good point.

YPG, I've heard little from you and so I guess you get more credit that I gave to others. I commend you.


You mean that? If I do that, will you?


Thanks for revealing my occupation. Maybe you'd like to post my address and place of employment to speed the process of my removal from teaching for not following the judgemental, hypocritical dogma of the organization I work for, even though they have privately intimated that I am one of the best in my district?

And yes, my days of working with youth to provide a strong base for making humane decisions and being responsible is coming to a sad close, not by my own choice.

What's next?

I'm taking on the advertising world. Think of the "Truth" anti-smoking campaigns, but put it in the context of funding huge ad campaigns against blind consumarism, manipulation of the mamalian brain to endorse products and the outright lies and propaganda/brainwashing of corporate sponsored news agencies.

Use the system to break the system.

Yes. I've finally snapped. This world needs an enema.

Dr. Mantodea said...

Will I what? Pay for your tomb stone? Sure, it's a small price to pay for you burning to death.

So I should stop emailing your posts to the School Board?

YPG said...

If you take down big wig companies, famous persons are less likely to endorse their products.

As a result of their loss of income they will donate less to charities and other organizations (breast cancer research, A.I.D.S research, etc.)

Hence, membership money for these places will increase (perhaps marginally, but compounded over time.....) This will put of some potential members.

Lesser member => lesser work and funds => lesser work done for the betterment of affected person.

In short, if you do take down such cooperations, you might also negatively affect the lives of millions of people around the theory.

Not all mega corporations donate.

Mantodea, will you save people from burning buildings?

Dr. Mantodea said...

No. No, I won't. Screw 'em. Most people are stupid assholes who are not worth saving. I'm not risking my life to save some ignorant twat who is probably at least partially responsible for all the suffering in this world, just in the off chance that they are a member of the 1% who are actually worth the trouble.

Especially not when there are plenty of soft hearted morons like you willing to do it for me.

I may be a librul, but i'm not a bleeding heart librul.

If it will make you feel better, maybe I'll build a special fireproof robot to go into burning buildings to find people in need of help. Then it will shoot 'em in the head, so they don't suffer.

Doc to Doc,

Love ya babe!

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