Obama: The Emperor has no clothes!

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Let me begin by saying that I will be voting for either Clinton or Obama in the general election. Whichever one wins the Democratic nomination will have my support and contributions. However, it is not my vote I am worried about. It's the vote of the folks in the middle who will be choosing between McCain and, if he gets the nomination, Obama. Why do I worry?

Simple: he has negligible political experience. A state legislator (not even a Governor) and two years in the U.S. Senate - after winning the seat by beating a guy who forced his wife to go to sex clubs (well, he officially withdrew and then was replaced by Alan Keyes. Alan Keyes!)

He's a good speaker and he's black. Those are not qualifications to be the next President. But no one has really taken him to task on his resume. The Democrats have given him a free pass so far; not wanting to seem racist. Well, let me tell you folks, criticizing someone on their lack of achievements and vague policy positions is not racist. And the criticism and attacks are going to come in droves in the general election. I feel like the child who shouts out that the Emperor has no clothes.

Obama has no experience!!! (*shocked gasps from the crowd*)

The really sad thing is that we are in such sore need of more diversity throughout the entire corporate and government power structure in this country. We do need to have a black President, but he has to be qualified for the job. Obama is not that candidate. I am afraid that nominating Obama is giving Republicans their best shot for winning the general election.

Does Clinton have a better chance? To my mind, absolutely. The Republicans have done everything they can to that woman and her husband. She has great experience and will be able to beat McCain in the debates. Do you remember the Cheney vs. Edwards Vice Pres. debates last time? Cheney made Edwards look like an amateur - exactly what McCain will do to Obama. By the time the general election comes around, everyone will be wondering why the Democrats nominated a guy with negligible national political experience and no foreign policy experience. And then Obama will lose the general election by double digits. *shudder*


Hojo said...

To be perfectly honest, I'd rather Obama not have any clothes on than Hilary or McCain.

The Angry Piper said...

Oh Hojo, I love you.

AV: I disagree. I was going to do a post on this, but I've been working on other stuff lately. Suffice it to say he has my vote. You know me well enough to know I'm seldom swayed by charm unless it's packing a set of DD tits. I think Repubicans would love it if Hilary won the primary, because people who would otherwise sit the election out would come out to vote against her. I don't know why she's such a polarizing figure, but she is. Also, I think that the biggest job our next President is going to face (besides undoing the clusterfuck this nation has become) is to heal our standing in the world. I believe Obama can do that. I'm not so sure about Hilary.

On another note, Obama is the first politician I've heard in recent memory who doesn't immediately make me think he's a fucking lying sack of shit with every word he says. I know he's not the most experienced, but right now he still seems to believe in his message and doesn't seem to be pandering, like all those Republicans who "don't believe in evolution." (If you don't believe in evolution,you're either a religious nut or a fucking liar, neither of which I want for President; and both of which we currently have).

I'll vote for Hilary too if she gets the nomination. But I think it'll be a tougher race for the Democrats if she does. As for McCain, the man got my vote in 2000. Now, two wars later, he doesn't. I respect him wholeheartedly for sticking to his position regarding the war and for his hail Mary victories. But I don't agree with him.

That, and I'd rather rub shit in my hair than vote Republican.

Cue Dr. Murk with the rebuttal of how both parties are the same and I'm a corn-fed mule for believing any different.

The Angry Piper said...

Oh yeah. And you're a racist for even questioning Obama's experience.

Back of the bus, AV!!!!

Ok, the more I think about it, the no experience thing is laughable.

No Presindent who hasn't had a second term has any experience. Obama is just as experienced as Bush Jr., Clinton, JFK, FDR, and tons more presindents at this point in his career,

It is Bullshit.

As for the AV's racism, I have never seen the Angry Piper hold a AIDS baby in Sudan as it dies.

The Angry Piper said...


Dr. Mantodea said...

This experience you talk about; most of the previous presidents have had plenty of experience. Having sent eh results of their terms, I am not impressed with the run of the mill "job training" we give our presidents in this country. I've seen the results of the last bunch of dicks we have elected, and even though Bill Clinton wasn’t the anti-Christ many republicans have painted him as, nor was Reagan the anti-Christ the way democrats have painted him, both of their foreign policy in retrospect frankly sucked. And we are picking up the pieces they left for us, and will be picking up the pieces this latest moron has left us for year to come.

So the whole experience argument doesn’t hold water with me.

Obama is a smart fellow. That means he is probably smart enough to know what he doesn’t know and thus will actually, I don't know, listen to experts when they advise him, as opposed to the current idiot who ignores anyone with a modicum on knowledge on any subject he has to make policy on.

McCain has lost credibility over that last few years, having pumped up his Maverick image while toeing the party line on every major vote, including the latest legislation to outlaw the use of torture, which he voted against.

Also, McCain is going to die soon. That means his VP would be running things in a few years. If he picks some wiz kid, then that changes things, but you know he is going to pick a typical ultra conservative darling to satisfy his wingnut base. Someone you don’t want running the show.

I also refuse to vote for a Republican this time around. Sorry, but the GOP deserves to be in the political wilderness for a long time for what they have done to this country. They need a few years of sitting in the corner with a dunce cap on to think about what they did before I'll vote for one of them on a national level election.

But Hillary is a lying, conniving, triangulating scumbag baby boomer like all of the other candidates from her generation. And, frankly, I'm fucking tired of giving the reigns of power to that generation. It's time to phase those fuckers out of office and elect people who aren’t reliving the 1960's and 70's from either extreme of the spectrum.

So yeah, I'll vote for the New Guy. And if he fucks up, I'll scream that he is a stupid asshole, like I would for anyone who I hire to do a job and they don’t achieve the results I am looking for. But I'm not going to vote for the Old Guard of the DNC unless I have no other choice.

Dr. Mantodea said...
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Dr. Mantodea said...

And I have seen the Angry Piper hold a Sudanese AIDS baby as it dies.

Of course, he was getting ready to EAT IT!!!!

Dr. Mantodea said...

I'll also add that Obama is smart enough to hold his own in a debate. And unless McCain abandons his 100 years in Iraq position, it doesn't matter how knowledgeable he sounds, the on foreign policy. The American people are dead set against him on that one, and will be even more so in a few months.

Plus, McCain doesn't have a shred of economic clout over Obama, and the economy is going to be the main topic in the debates. That means insurance, unemployment, retirement, housing, and everything related. McCain doesn't have anything appealing to the average American to say in those regards. The GOP hasn't got a policy on the economy other than "we will give you all enough money as a tax break to pay ONE MORTGAGE PAYMENT!! ISN'T THAT SWELL?"

And McCain is about as inspiring to listen to as a funeral director when he talks.

Obama can argue from strength due to his "lack of experience" because McCain has years worth of recorded mstakes that can be dragged up, while the only thing they can dredge up on Obama is "You don't have experience. blah blah blah..."

Hillary, is too easy a target for the GOP hate machine. She isn't likable and has a sordid history, AND is attached to the hip with Bill, who people (like me) are really getting tired of.

Toyi said...

uhmm I kinda red all what you said and maybe lots of good points but I think this is the reason Obama will win (highlighting that I am not pro any of the candidates, so this is very neutral)

Have you check the media lately (movies, TV series etc etc) and how Black US presidents are presented commonly? well this makes me think Obama will be the one, media loves to throw hiden mesages to the public now a days, I think the president has been picked already we are just being persuaded that it hasn't

(okay this is a silly post)

The Angry Piper said...

Dr. Mantodea voted for Ron Paul.

I saw his card.

Dr. Mantodea said...

What the fuck dude, how could you accuse me of such a heinous, despicable act!?? All I did was say you ate babies, and you come back and accuse me of voting for Ron Paul!?

Man... That's fuckin harsh.

Totally uncalled for.

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