The Uravelling of M

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Let's get one thing straight again... you all suck. Well, now that the pecking order is established:

1. Murk
2. Angry Piper
3. Everyone else

let's get down to business. Brass tacks as they say. I want y'all to bear one thing in mind. The whole blog circle we had going was awesome. Truly spectacular until one fine fated day... it fell apart. That parting coincided with the demise of one Dr. Robert J. Murk. Look it up, fagzilla. It was growing when I had an active hand in it. Now, it is dead. Why did I leave?

You. You people. Self important, arrogant lime suckers. I did everything for you. Then, you claimed I wasn't needed. Oh, oh, Murk you're too negative and bombastic and hairy-sexy-o! You make us want to leave! So shut up and make us stars! And I did. But you all fucked up. You pretended it was YOU who made traffic bump up here.

Na na. Na na na. Twas me, fuckers! Eat that.

And I will bring it all back. Watch me.


Joey Polanski said...

Youre gonna resurreckt THIS dead giant, Doc?

Heck! Try startin wif a more MODEST mirackle!

Try resurrecktin Hobbs von Wackamole.

Where is Malach in this list?


1. Malach
2. Everyone else


I'll resurect Jesus and feed him ham.

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