Something for the ladies

Friday, April 25, 2008

Hello Ladies . .
See how Malach's mind works. Been on vacation this week, took the children to Buttonwood Zoo. Saw a sign, it inspired this:

Now, you know you want one, Mother's Day is coming soon.

I am Malach, and I am a you t-shirt man


Dubya said...

I herd someone tried to put that shirt on Paris Hilton once, but the gosh darn letters jus' fell off.

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i dont just want, i need.

Toyi said...

Man, I don't get it... lol
Is this related to butt slaping? o-0
Can you explain? (rolleyes)

The Angry Piper said...

Allow me to explain, Toyita:
A "beaver" is North America's largest rodent. It is semi-aquatic and makes its home in dams of its own construction. Often beaver dams can be quite large, fully obstructing rivers.
Beavers have large, powerful buck teeth that they use to chew through wood. This, coupled with their large, flat tails, enable them to build dams more efficently than other animals (like sparrows, for example, who don't really build dams at all and would suck at it if they tried), because they chew through trees as needed, maneuver the logs to the desired position, and then slap them together with mud usung thier tails as natural trowels.
Beavers are cool. The T-shirt just apologizes for not having a beaver around when you need one.

The Angry Piper said...

I just realized I used the adjective "large" far too much in that last post, which may cause confusion. While beavers are the largest rodent in North America, they themselves are not very large; most are only sightly bigger than a small dog, like a Shnauzer. You can see a talking beaver in The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe. His name is Mr. Beaver. But he is fictional. Beavers don't really talk.

Beaver is also slang for a woman's genitals, I don't mind Americanizing you.

Toyi said...

oh wow thanks for all the explanations eh eh eh The t shirt makes more sense now. ^-^

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