The Heist- Day Two

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

So, Day Two of the largest robbery in human history didn't go especially well for Bouncing Ben Bernanke and Henry "The Hood" Paulson on Capitol Hill today, although it is looking more and more as if Congress may ignore the will of the American people and actually give the bastards on Wall Street their blackmail for screwing the economy. The Shrub is going to address the American people tonight and tell you all that this is an emergency- just like the invasion of Iraq was.

How do you know when GeorgeFuk is lying- ?? You all know the answer to that...

I urge everyone to write and call their congressman and tell them to "just say no".

John McCain, down nine points in the polls overnight, suddenly wants to stop Friday night's debate and have both presidential candidates suspend their campaigns. Huh? But he's not done- McCain says we need a "bi-partisan congressional committee" to negotiate a bail-out deal with the Treasury.

Well, excuse me, Senator McCain, but last time I checked we had a "bi-partisan" committee looking at the deal- it's called "Congress". What McCain really means is that it's easier to strong-arm 20 people than 435. Fuck you, Senator McCain.

Maybe what Congress needs is more bars. I know, I know, many Congressmen have a reputation for being "lit up", but apparently the English Parliament is even more dedicated in that regard. There are 17 bars in the House of Commons building, and if you want to get sense out of many parliamentarians you had better catch them before lunch. A correspondent on NPR told the following tale this week-

A well-known English politician, having had an especially "liquid" lunch, went to an official function afterwards and spotted a shapely figure in a wonderful, flowing purple gown. When he lurched over and asked for the next dance he was rebuffed-

"Firstly" said the object of his affection, "this is a diplomatic reception, not a dance party."

"Secondly, that is not a waltz, it is the Brazilian national anthem."

"And lastly," he was told coldly, "I am not some chorus girl, I am the Archbishop of San Paolo!"

Please, call your Congressperson again and tell them to "JUST SAY NO!"

UPDATE: There are nationwide protests Thursday. Please, for the sake of us all, and your children and grandchildren, we MUST say NO!!!


I am telling you, bail me out. Send me like $265K, that would get rid of all my debt, and I could spend money on the economy.

Toyi said...

Oh my goodness I can totally see his face through that mask...

are we supposed to be blind? I mean helllooo!!!!

what is wrong with these people?

ahh these should turn into a Dear malach question.

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