The truth is.....

Monday, June 11, 2007

I've decided to be a political cunt. I have a few short words for everyone's consideration....

"The first truth is that the liberty of a democracy is not safe if the people tolerate the growth of private power to a point where it becomes stronger than their democratic state itself. That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power."

- Franklin D. Roosevelt

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AN EXAMPLE: The oil industry has their hands and billions of dollars tied into every country for it's best interest of earning more money. Our own President's main interest is in oil and the money it produces into his accounts. Right before our very eyes is a private company who has it's hand in everything and we're less of a democratic nation for it. If you don't believe in the oil industry's power to influence leaders, look at Sudan. We must take down the private industries who pride themselves in running countries for the sake of their financial betterment. They have no right to determine how any goverment should be ran when they have no real interest in any country's people or it's environment.


I am "just me" and I promote the ending of facism in America. I approve this message!


I too approve this message

WHY THE HELL AREN'T YOU AND MURK RUNNING FOR PRESIDENCY IN '08?!?!?!? Oh yeah...because Murk is dead. *awesome*

I have decided that I am going to really look into the candidates and see if the Green Party or the Libertarian Party have something better to offer.

What do you think about Guillianni? (sp?)

Toyi said...

uhmm I don't know if you have red a lot into "world ocupation" (globalization), this is what is just about.
So lets talk a little bit about "The Federal Reserve" (new York) which is in hands of about 90 banks from the 100 most influential banks; a dozen of these banks are from Europe. And the most influential families behind this in Europe are The Rothchilds. Under the american interest parties in the reserve are the Rockefeller-Carnegie through The Chase of Manhattan & Citibank which are some of the biggest lending banks when it comes to Real State purchases.

So gas pricing is just the tip of the big horns of what is yet to come.
Soooo do you support charity? oh you better read more into the best way that rich or influential people avoid taxes "legaly" just open a charity org.
uhmmm I won't go further is just very deep and long, it'll take few books to explain it all, I recomend if you like to know a bit more of what the plani is, read.... John Tower's ex senator publications, he was killed days after his book was published, "En Route to Global Occupation from Gary Kah, etc.
Have you checked out the Nobel awards? the all are asigned to people that is in favore of Globalization...
Well there is a lot to say but so little space to write lol

Clinton Gore in 2008!

Wow, Toyi getting into the Fed, World Bank, and the Bildebergs.

Toyi said...

I am not that stupid lol I just don't talk a lot about it.

You should, Toyi! How else can this type of info get out to the public?

Tainted~Love said...

What's the world coming too?

YPG said...

Umm one problem.
How do you plan to get rid of a private organization and put in a govt run one?

To do that you will have to forcefully take over the enterprise. Also if you do get a govt one set up, more problems will arise beacause the govt isn't there to make a profit. Compare any govt run industry to a private one. In most cases, thr privates ones was way better. Atleast here it definatly is.

Also you guys don't have much oil reserves (as compared to the middle east) if the govt. decides to cut ties or starts making compromises your prices will shoot up to crazy levels.

And ofcourse oil isnt the only issue.

The point is, what's right and what's wrong and what should be done about it cant always be done.

You might get your 99.99% democracy but you'll also end up getting screwed pretty bad for it. You're better off than you think you are.

Toyi said...

JM, what I have red about publications... there have been little publications, senators, ex presidents, etc etc had been fighting this issue since early 60' some has been misteriously killed, some has died in their effort to make americans understand about their finds and dangers of this type of orgs, but media is already under or owned by Globalization followers and they don't pay attention or pay publicity to anything that is going against it. Some publications reached the sun light but by reading the books reviews... americans tend not to take it seriously.
Yes I now that a unified world & economy sounds pretty, but that is the big catch.
Media is already working the brains of the general population; people is already accepting it w/o being asked.
I tell you, the fall of the "Dollar" is close, in Colombia the dollar value is miserable, Euros In the other hand are twice as valuable than the dollar is.

uhmm let me see if I can work some article or at least list some of the publications that has been made in the course of these years and make a post.

Christopher said...

American politics is a ore-conceived Television show. It's like pro wrestling.

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