In the beginning of the real ocean adventure

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Speaking of being adrift on the open sea.....

We have whales in our port. Humpback Whales! They are suppose to be passing the San Francisco Bay as they head towards Alaska for the Summer but instead, smelt the horrific stench of a skunk that Angry Veteran had on the S.S. Whatever-the-hell-Murk-named-it and detoured toward my city. They swam 90 miles inland and are currently swimming circles in the Port of Sacramento.

Officials are urging folks to remain away from the water's edges due to sound disturbances confusing the mom and her calf more however, being that they are literally 5 miles from my house, I'm thinking of going to go see if I can get some pics.

For those who cannot wait, you can click this link for our local news station.


MMMMM Humpback Whales

I said, "Don't make me beat you." But I had a type-o, so I had to delete it.....


It is gone no one will ever know now!

Christopher said...

This Dr. Murk sure messed things up.

Toyi said...

oh I hope they can do something for them

Local news this morning, how they are going to dispose of a washup humpback whale body on the Cape . . .

Methinks Whale Tacos!

Tainted~Love said...

Yikes! I sure do miss the sea.

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