Ten Things You Didn't Know About Cap'n Flak

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

  1. I usually refer to my two children as "Chunka & The Punk."
  2. My fundamental philosophy is based on a deep belief that I am not sorry and you are not that important.
  3. I have absolutely no tolerance for a dirty windshield and I have been known to smash and replace them from time to time.
  4. When I get really, really hammered, Boxman comes out.
  5. I refer to my lawn tractor as a "Workbee" and my minivan as a "Federation Runabout."
  6. According to the State of New York, I am The Assman.
  7. Regardless of temperature, time or precipitation, I can start a camp fire. A nice BIG hot fire.
  8. I am convinced that Omega 3's will solve all of the worlds problems and bring universal harmony to life across the galaxy.
  9. My older brother was once forced to wear pink underwear and socks for several months while living in a tent in the middle of the Arizona desert.
  10. I love this crazy town!
BONUS FACT: When I was a kid, I was addicted to this cartoon.


11. don't you hate that uncomfortable silence. why do we feel it's necessary to talk about bull in order to feel comfortable that's when you know you've found somebody really special. when you can just shut the hell up for a minute and comfortably share

We can talk or not talk for hours.

BTW: what you can't tell in that fire picture is that it's raining. Everything was soaked. It was a perfect day to be out there.

Toyi said...
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Toyi said...

^ even "the butt" was soaked eh eh

Nah. I had my trusty Carhart on.

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