What, what the Hell happened last night!

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

I have not seen this occur so radically in my politcal life. The last I can remember is the Anti-Carter sentiment at the end of the 70's, but I was too young to be politically active. The American people sent message. They hate the War in Iraq, they hate the untold spending this administration has done in things that no longer interest the American. They hate how the rest of the world views the US. They hate the fundamentalist stances on stem cell research. They hate the direction this country is going in immigration. They hate that they can't afford anything, and their health care cost are pushing them to bankruptcy.

Don Rumsfeld is in now resigining, he is the first scapegoat so far. Bush's new conferences is on right now, and he looks like a man that is running from a mob with pitchforks and torches. Democrat now control the House by wide margin, and form the looks of it, will also control the Sentate. It is going to come down to a neck and neck contest in VA, in which the Democratic candidate has a 6,000 vote lead. MO also there is a 3,000 vote difference with the Democrat with the slight advantage.

What happens now? Well the Bush Administration has made few friends, they no longer have the House to fund the War in Iraq. Obviously with Rumsfeld stepping down there will be a new direction. But can a lame duck mostly hated president work with a opposition congress. The rest of the world has some fears.

It was very interesting to flip between Fox News and CNN last night. It was like watching a the fans of the two opposing teams after a Superbowl. It was also fun to hear the ranting and raving on coservative talk shows this morning. Honestly, I think they are one of the main reasons the Republicans have lost all this power. This can go back to a few years ago, when the Democrats were high on the horse and lost touch with the American. Now it is the Republicans turn. As the Democrats were too busy courting the wacky liberal left during the Clinton Administration, the Republican were too busy courting the Evangelical Conservative Right, neither groups represents you typical American.

One very interesting thing, I think this election immediatlely make John McCain a very viable presidential candidate, he is a moderate to liberal Republican, very reprsentative of most Americans. He works well with both Republicans and Democrats (he is the Leiberman of the Republican Party). Malach is still puching it . . . . McCain/Obama '08!

Congratulations to Duval Patrick.
No matter what you think of the man (Honestly I can't wait to see what happens), you got to congratulate him. He is the first black governer of Massachusetts, and only the second in the US. MA, even though we are a state of Liberal Pinkos, hate to vote in Women and Blacks. We much perfer gays. This opens the door to shake the racism that has plagued this state for the past 50 years.

I am Malach and I am a left leaning Independent.


Will Condi be next?

Or Dick Cheney

Who knows? Maybe in early January President Bush loses his last fight with a pretzel and Dick's ticker finally gives out.

Finally, we'd have a female President.

The Angry Piper said...

It's "Deval Patrick". Think you could at least spell the guy's name right?


Ahh whatever.

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