Waving the Wand of Wonder...

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Ok... well, I just got invited to join this beautiful Wand of Wonder blog... so I'm still trying to figure out where I am. I just finished my blog rant on John Kerry. Can anyone figure out why this rather scary-looking dude has not yet apologized for saying something stupid? I mean... this whole kerfuffle would have died long ago if he had just said: "I'm sorry to the troops for misspeaking. I did not mean what I said." Americans are forgiving!! I promise.

In short, I have decided that there can be only two reasons that Kerry has not apologized to the Troops:
1) He is too ignorant and prideful to admit that he does, in fact, make mistakes.
2) He actually believes what he said.

Both of which leave me with one overarching thought: I am thankful that he is not the President.

Hey... W. Bush isn't perfect... but he was certainly the best option.

If you want to read my latest rant, feel free to come visit.

I will be sure to add my random thoughts in this forum. Until then...

That is all.



Mr. Sanz?

You know, its been said many times, but the level of political correctness required to speak in public has turned this country into a bunch of coddled, diaper wearing wusses.

Sorry, but Fuck Them.

I'm not fan of Kerry, but I have no issue with what he said. It's a pretty obvious commentary on the state of the nation. It was pretty obvious to me that he wasn't insulting the troops so much as the system, and the President.

I will agree that the word choice may have not been perfect, as it could be taken to say that soldiers currently at war are all stupid drop outs and whatnot. However, it was pretty obvious that was not what he meant. Anyone with half a brain can tell that.

You know, come to think of it, I think this is another part of the republican conspiracy, of which Kerry is obviously a tool. They roll out their 'democrat' double agents to say something to hurt the campaign. Its so transparent. It's all part of their plan.

The problem is not what Kerry said, but the underlying truth of the matter. The majority of folks who enlist are poor and undereducated. GED's and misdemeanor criminal convictions are becoming even more common since the invasion and occupation of Iraq.

So yes, study hard, get a good job, and stay the fucking hell out of Iraq. When platoons of infantry start rolling in with Bachelor's Degree's from four year colleges, then we can all pile on Kerry. Until then, realize the real shame is that the costs of this war are being paid by those who can least afford it: the poor and undereducated.

Attack the troops? PLEASE. Stop fucking saying that. Anything anyone SAYS is not an attack. A fucking sniper is an ATTACK. An IED is an attack.

Fucking idiots.

Welcome Horatio, I was cruising blogs and felt you idea would make a good addition to this blog.

As for Kerry, worst democratic presidential candidate since Jimmy Carter, but hey it's a free country.

Sanz? Maybe Hornblower

You forgot Dukakais. And Mondale.

Definately Hornblower, make note of the nautical "That is all."

Soon he'll be "swabbing" things and giving pointers on how to overcome scurvy.

Tainted~Love said...

Welcome Horatio!

Toyi said...

and also camel's back smells like Arabian ass... go figure, I guess I am just saying the obvious.

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