This Just In...

Tuesday, November 07, 2006


After serving my one week ban, I am even more determined to be completely obnoxious and insensitive. I pledge to bash all weenie liberal whiny baby pants and defeat their disjointed logic with taunts, silliness and my classic, inimitable brand of passive aggressive counterplay.

I will make you all eat your words and show you the bossy boss of all bosses which is still me, despite my SELF IMPOSED ban. What other man can be as great? I mean, I had the balls to ban myself, and then come back even stronger, LOUDER and, quite frankly, itchy.

BALLS! BULLOCKS I say to you. I will not be banned again. I will fight my own damn self if I have to stand on the international date line and kick my ass on two different days at once. FALL DOWN AND WORSHIP MY SPLENDA!!!

Tic Tac Toe. I win. Uno! Murk 129, losers 0.

Take that you fancy pants wanna be bloggers.

I voted all Republican across the board in 8 different precincts under false identities AND I voted for Devall Patrick while doing it. Name one other man that can vote for a Democrat as a Republican. Do it!!!

I flat out rock. It hurts so bad because I rock so hard all day and all of the night. Two points and the foul!!! Bahooo-hooohooooooooyip! Ding dang cha-chiggity wang chung a ding a long ling long!!!!!

Love that Murk, everyone. Love him. He's home.


You are SO Gov. Patrick.

Like, Sandra Bullock?

Chicken? Sandwich? Chris? Bull? Guy?

Tainted~Love said...

I feel the love .....I think

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