(CNN) In 2005, Time magazine put Reverend Ted Haggard on its list of the 25 most influential evangelical leaders, noting his participation in a weekly conference call with White House staffers and other religious leaders. He is currently campaigning for the Constitutional amendment to ban same sex marraige in Colorado.
If you want to have meth fueled gay sex with a male prostitute, as far as I'm concerend, that's your own business. In addition, if you want to marry a same sex partner, that's also your own business. If you want to have meth fueled gay sex with your same sex married partner, again, also your own business.
It becomes news, however, when you are a complete and utter hypocrite. Rev. Ted is the paragon of what I hate about some people: hypocrisy. He's out there telling everybody that homosexuality and drug use are a sin and actively trying to deny civil rights to homosexuals. But there he is, away in his hotel room, getting high on meth and enjoying the tender touch of his favorite male prostitute.
Damn Ted, couldn't you just stick to the Big Jesus points on loving everyone and not judging others? Then you wouldn't be such a huge hypocrite. But no, you have to be the stereotype of "do what I say and not as I do." What a jerk.
I'm glad he stepped down and I hope he gets some serious help to come to grips with the fact that he is a gay man, and that gay men have the right to be loved and married. Stop being such a self loathing homosexual and ruining other people's lives.
Reverend: "Meth fueled gay sex with a prostitute is great, but same sex marriage should be banned"
Friday, November 03, 2006
Posted by Generation Xsquire at 1:18 PM
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Amen! Well said AV.
Kudos, AV!
Yeah, you gotta love these Evangelicals
If the guys is Gay he shouldn't be a rev... that is it, if he got it right by now is good that he is walking down the pulpit.
or, maybe gays are just everyday people, and they should have the right to be a rev too. just not an anti-gay rev
Yes, the point is that there is nothing wrong with being gay, but there is everything wrong with being hypocritical. I'm no super theologian, but it seems that Jesus loved those the most who society persecuted the most. If He were alive today, he'd be walking with the homosexuals, not preaching against them.
Oh no no Bible say Gays don't go to heaven, hypocrite will be the one who says they will...
let me add something to this, we are specifically talking about gays here but Bible not only goes against that but any liers,killers will have the same punishment.
The error with some Christian is that they put gays in a different or worst level but not really is labeled the same as someone that tells a lie too.
The Bible says a lot of things.
Anyone who thinks a homosexual is committing a sin by just being who they are is a fucking idiot.
That's like saying I'm an abomination because I eat shellfish and wear blended clothing. Those two things are also abominations according to the Bible. But to condemn someone for doing either thing is fucking stupid.
So, because gay men and women can't just be themselves and are persucuted by a bunch of fucking idiots, they learn to hate themselves and deflect suspicion by openly showing hatred to gays. That's a healthy society. I'm sure Jesus is proud of people doing that shit.
Defenetly Malach, and if people don't like those "Lots of things" or understand them is better that they don't pretend to have God understand their own business.
Iand for AV is not I or Christians who say it is God so... mind that.
First off, can anyone actually point out where in the bible it says that Gays are bad??
And second, the book was written over a thousand years ago! Sure, its the book of god, written by men. And men interject their own ideas, its how humanity works. YOu don't think there was prejudice back then???
If your God is real, then A) he never said gays are bad, because that isn't his style
B) he's a dick, and hell is probably more heaven than heaven
Dear God,
If you really think that gays are bad and are committing a sin by just being the way you created them, then please strike me dead and send me to hell to keep them company because you have created a completely fucked up world.
Here there are...
Genesis 19:1-11
Leviticus 18:22
Leviticus 20:13
Romans 1:27
Chorintians 6:9-10
I respect what you think about God is your idea, but I can't stand Gays trying to get this "God loves me" point accross.
Also in Leviticus, it say that you should be sacrificing goats, only taking slave of non-Israelite Descent, and preparing food a particular way.
Jesus never one said anything anti-Homosexual
So where is all the damnation for those awful sinners eating shellfish and wearing cotton/wool blends? Where?
Nowhere! Because people make God in their own image, they take their own homophobia and pull those pieces out of the Bible. No one is that upset about my baked stuffed jumbo shrimp or overcoat, so they don't pull those verses from the Bible.
These are all just selective reading to support hate. You could do the same with slavery. Think for yourself. Leave the hate in the past.
Jesus Christ!
God's and asshole. Fuck him. And his son.
I'de rather be in hell with a devil that is honest about what he is than in heaven with a petty and vindictive psycopath who loves everyone so much that he makes them gay and then says... "Oh well, you'll just have to be miserable for the rest of your life cuz, I LIKE BEING A DICK... OH, P.S. I LOVE YOU, WORSHIP ME CUZ I RULZ!1!!"
Then again, i'm sure that fuckhead Lord of yours would probably get a real sick twist out of sending someone like me to heaven just so I have to spend eternity surrounded by bible thumping religous bigots, since that WOULD be hell.
There's nothing wrong with being gay.
So, damn it, Malach...STOP LIVING A LIE!!!!!
Glad you're finally learning to accept it Piper! See you...later!
aren't you going to say anything about the Holly Spirit?
yes Mantodea, that is the point, why you want to be accepted by God when all you want is fuck around...
Now the Reverend says that YES, he did buy the meth - but he never used it, he threw it out.
And YES, he did pay this man for a service, but it was only for a "massage."
Well, both these statements seem entirely credible to me, seems like this was all just a big mistake.
well was a good debate anyways, I never seen men reacting so emotionally like today lol
Jesus said, Do not Judge lest ye be Judged, that is the problem with these Christian idea about homosexuality.
Judgenment is one thing, but what is writen in the bible is not my judgement Malach is God's...Human judgement is misleading and God will never let human being deside what is good or evil, that is why he gave us a bible with his rules, whoever respect God stick to them and whoever wants to do their own will is fine with God too... but again... "Toyi's quote "Don't pretend to have God understand you own business"
But don't worry he also said that people will hate you for speaking his word and he also said, but don't take offense because whatever they say they are not saying it to you but to me.
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