I Did It!!

Monday, November 20, 2006

The big news of the day is this: First he did it, now he didn't do it... then he was going to write a book about how he would have done it... now he's back to "I didn't do it."

Yes, everybody's favorite homicidal former football player: O.J. Simpson. He was reported to be writing a BOOK called "If I Did It". Hello, Juice! We know you did it. This is about the worst stunt I can imagine.

But, thankfully, News Corp. announced today that they are canceling his book deal and TV Special. Sadly, no Brazilian-style crime walk-thrus for us! I really wish I could have turned on Fox and watched O.J. talking about "Hypothetically, I could have stabbed her repeatedly in this back alley... hypothetically."

Somebody shut O.J. back up! I was content without his mug in the news... now he's back. Please... go away... and don't kill anybody else.

That is all.



Yeah, OJ has become a bit of a joke . . .I am sure someone will pick the ball up from this.

Hey OJ, RubberSuit Studios is more than willing to print your book.

OJ has always been a joke. this was a miserable attempt at getting a career again.

I'd like to know how his kids feel about all this.

This is the state of our civilization

The Angry Piper said...

Speaking of civilizations, Hobbs...look for a post on the Mayans, coming soon from yours truly, here on the WoW.

It'll be a short post.

PS: Die.

Toyi said...

^ the mayans? holy molly!! that will be intersting and also sadistic,intelligent and bloody lol

see, Piper, i knew you wanted my stuff! I look forward to it.

ps. kisses!

Tainted~Love said...

What's more sick is someone (like OJ) can do this and not think twice about doing it. He had to have known the out pour that would and did happen after news broke. But then again it's not like he gives a shit.

I agree ...go away OJ!!! No one wants your crap anymore!

What's even more sick, is the mental image of the Piper and Hobbs making out.

Toyi said...

^Do you want OJ to kill for love again?

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