World War III Anyone?

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Well, the human race has avoided an all out catastrophic war for over 50 years. Sure, we've seen some nasty confrontations since WW II, but nothing on that scale. What could ignite such a war? When religion and politics ride in the same cart...

This is what we have in the Middle East. Israel is playing a dangerous game. Israel was given its own sovergn nation after Worl War II. Okay. That makes sense... sort of. Unfortunately, it was set up right in the middle of the heart of Islam. Hundreds of years of crusades were fought for this barren plot of land. It's important to three faiths. It's where Mohammed received his vision. It's where Christ died. It's where Solomon built his temple. It is sacred ground. A tenous 'peace" has existed in this region for decades. The problem is...

All of Israel's neighbors resent the Jewish state. This can be managed by the international community as long as Israel doesn't attempt to extend its borders. It is doing just that.

I am not against support for Israel fighting for their own nation. I'm not sure I understand their means of doing so. The timing of the invasion of Lebannon is bad. Very bad. America has invaded Iraq and dared the world to oppose them. Israel had become emboldened by this. There is no way that Israel feels compelled to negotiate settlements with the United States and the United Kingdom backing them without question. At some point, support of Israeli aggresion must be at the very least questioned. Was this military campaign into Lebannon necessary? Isn't there enough tension there already?

The US has stuck by Israel for many years. What is Israel giving the United States in return? We've given them weapons, we've trained them, we've provided intelligence and we have been their 'big stick' to wave when other nations get mad. Israel might have pushed a bit too far this time.

Look, I'm not on the ground in the hot zone, but why are we supporting a pro Israeli invasion of another country? It's political suicide on a global scale. We went to far with Iraq. I admit it. I was a supporter of the war in the beginning, but I realize I was wrong. All it has done is foster hate and put a new corrupt government into power. We threaten Iran about nuclear proliferation, but we let Pakistan, India and even NORTH KOREA pursue their own nuclear agenda unchecked. What message are we sending and what way out is there at this point?

Here's my analysis:

1: Israel wants too much and will force the U.S. to join them. We have no alternative besides losing our 'stronghold' in the Middle East.

2: The U.N. is bungling the whole thing and making themselves a laughing stock as nations ignore their mandates and do whatever they want.

3: Islamic Fundamentalists will never stop until we withdraw from everywhere between China and Egypt.

4: North Korea and Iran will get nuclear weapons and delivery systems within ten years.

5: America is becoming everyone's scapegoat due to a cleverly disguised agenda of imperialism.

6: There are two distinct sides lining up. Neither side is willing to give in. A stalemate might be a lucky chance alternative, but is unlikely.

I'm over thirty and unable to serve, but some of you reading this are prime material for drafting. BUT, you are so blinded by TV aqnd video games that you honestly think all you'll have to do is say no and they'll let you stay home with mom and dad.

Will there be another World War? Eeventually, yes. Let's hope it's postponed until we are all dead due to natural causes.

I doubt that will be the case.


Toyi said...

This war is hard and not hard to understand, it;s hard because they are brothers, but is not hard when I go to The Book and find that they have been fighting since ancient times, I don't like politics and whatever involves yet, take the religion fact from Middle east is not something that will happen from day to night, I will not go deep into revelations book cause I know you guys don't like it but my views are well based in it, according to Revelations they will fight but also they will make peace but this peace will be within the time of the antichrist because he will be clever enough to persuade them cause he indeed will be jewish.

And I am just posting my point of view OKAY!!!!

Isreal also is making advances again now today into the West Bank and the Palenstinian state. WWWII. It is heading that directions unfortunately if the US, China, EU, and whoever had to choose the "lesser of two evils" they would all side with Israel.

Now this bring something interesting. Islam vs. the world. You will then have the Islamic parts of African and Sout East Asia enter the fray. Pakistan, I am unsure what will happen there. India will side with the US.

Unfortunately the world's economy relies on the US, so most countries would side with it.

As for the UN, the UN showed themselves ineffective when it came Iraq, previous to this.

And as for the Revelations prophecies. That is the issue with the book, it can be applied to any time. WWII: Hitler and the events that occured in the Middle East were supposedly the Anti-Christ and Final War.

Toyi said...

^ oh no doubt and will continue applying but the previous hard people that are considered to had been antichrist don't fill all the requiremets. If you want to find out Antichrist true nature Deut... describes the real one, oh and don't ask me where cause I will have to go read it, I can't remember. So far what I can remember from that reading:
1-He will be jewish, if you notice non of previous antichirsts (Hitler, napoleon, Nero,Alexander etc) that had been considered anti christ at some point by "some" people "non" had been true jewish and they haven't been able to really mislead Jewish ever; maybe over power them but not mislead them.
2-The true AC will rule the entire world, not only areas or some cities and people will love him.
3-He will be gay, other AC called before had been gay so no difference for this one, but is a trait so comes into the list.
4-He will be outsmart and will have a pleasant answer for "ANY" situation, is said that he will also perform miracles like Jesus did (this will be a cool way to mislead Christians) and also will do unbelievable things like make rain fire from the sky.

In the past the wolrd have had rulers but not all of them have this conditions, maybe some buy not all. And the only think that I wouldn't take literaly will be the rain from the sky but I get the idea.

Anonymous said...

i need a fuckin drink

1. Hitler's Mother was Jewish
2. Hitler and his allies ruled most of the world
3. Hitler was known to engage in pedophlia with young boys

As for number 4, don't see anyone in the currently conflict who can do any of this.

uhh, missles could be raining fire

Jeff said...

I almost wrote that the US is Israel's whore, but at least whores get paid. George Washington, where are you now...

Toyi said...

Naw, Hitter himself was not a natural Jewish...The world? no just Asias and some Europe, nothing in the other half of the planet, so far I will give you that he was probably the strongest, but he didn't performed miracles either so... muahahha
No Antichrist in Toyi's list yet.

Toyi said...

ceratinly missles could be another meaning for Rain of fire but according to Revelations, he will bring peace so there will be no missles use in his doomain. Well anything is the way I had tied it together that is it

Disclamer... This is not an Statement only Toyi's Idea.

Fuck, Dow Chemical made the sky rain fire in the late 1960's. Napalm, people.

Again, let me remind everyone, Revelations was written by people who thought the earth was flat and there were great big flood gates in the dome in the sky that let the rain in.

Do yourself a favor and stop reading all their fucked up back ass stone age fairy tales.

And from what I hear, when you get hit by Napalm; you see Jesus.

Or at least you're screaming his name out at the top of your lungs.

The Anti-Christ. What a fucking stupid fatalistic concept. It's right up there with Rapture.

Christopher said...

I thought you were the Angry Veteran, not the Agnostic Veteran. Oh, and it was known that the world was round well before the time of Christ, idiot.

Eratosthenes: 276-194 B.C. And anyone who could write knew of Eratosthenes. Where did you go to school, at the zoo?

Close, Catholic School.

Anyone who was educated knew the world was round, but the ignorant masses still thought the earth was flat. Including the unknown oral historians who made up all the bible stories. By the time this shit was written down, even then, most thought the world was flat. It's in a diagram in the bible I had to use in Catholic school. Flat earth, floodgate, two stories of creation dumbass motherfuckers.

Toyi said...

Earth is flat? give me a break they don't speak of the earth pending on nowhere... they speak of the surface of earth oh nice excuse, is funny to me that somebody that is supposed to be smart and called scientist can't make up their mind on

here some more dedicated to AV, eat this!!

31 "You looked, O king, and there before you stood a large statue—an enormous, dazzling statue, awesome in appearance. 32 The head of the statue was made of pure gold, its chest and arms of silver, its belly and thighs of bronze, 33 its legs of iron, its feet partly of iron and partly of baked clay. 34 While you were watching, a rock was cut out, but not by human hands. It struck the statue on its feet of iron and clay and smashed them. 35 Then the iron, the clay, the bronze, the silver and the gold were broken to pieces at the same time and became like chaff on a threshing floor in the summer. The wind swept them away without leaving a trace. But the rock that struck the statue became a huge mountain and filled the whole earth.

36 "This was the dream, and now we will interpret it to the king. 37 You, O king, are the king of kings. The God of heaven has given you dominion and power and might and glory; 38 in your hands he has placed mankind and the beasts of the field and the birds of the air. Wherever they live, he has made you ruler over them all. You are that head of gold.

39 "After you, another kingdom will rise, inferior to yours. Next, a third kingdom, one of bronze, will rule over the whole earth. 40 Finally, there will be a fourth kingdom, strong as iron—for iron breaks and smashes everything—and as iron breaks things to pieces, so it will crush and break all the others. 41 Just as you saw that the feet and toes were partly of baked clay and partly of iron, so this will be a divided kingdom; yet it will have some of the strength of iron in it, even as you saw iron mixed with clay. 42 As the toes were partly iron and partly clay, so this kingdom will be partly strong and partly brittle. 43 And just as you saw the iron mixed with baked clay, so the people will be a mixture and will not remain united, any more than iron mixes with clay.

44 "In the time of those kings, the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be destroyed, nor will it be left to another people. It will crush all those kingdoms and bring them to an end, but it will itself endure forever. 45 This is the meaning of the vision of the rock cut out of a mountain, but not by human hands—a rock that broke the iron, the bronze, the clay, the silver and the gold to pieces.
"The great God has shown the king what will take place in the future. The dream is true and the interpretation is trustworthy."

46 Then King Nebuchadnezzar fell prostrate before Daniel and paid him honor and ordered that an offering and incense be presented to him. 47 The king said to Daniel, "Surely your God is the God of gods and the Lord of kings and a revealer of mysteries, for you were able to reveal this mystery."

Christopher said...

That diagram was the ancient Hebrew conception of how the earth was formed. No Christian in Roman times believed that! They sailed all over the place and could see that the masts of ships appeared first on the horizon of the see and therefore the earth was curved.

You need to get your facts straight. Far more people were educated back then. It was during the middle ages that the peasants weren't taugh. Most Jewish children could read greek, aramaic and hebrew. They had to. It was tradition. They needed it to read the scriptures.

And the stories of Christ were not oral tradition. Josephus wrote about him shortly after his death, as did the author of the source 'Q' which Matthew and Mark's Gospels draw on.

Yer dumb.

Revelations is a surrealistic fantasy written on mushrooms by a guy how had been dabbling in Eastern thought, hence the correlations between Eastern thought and Revelations.

Josephus did write about Christ, but is depends on what version of the text you read what information you get (i.e. the European Christianized version, or the Middle Easten Jewish/Arab Version).

Toyi said...

Oh don't worry I was just trying to tease AV, I was tempted too muahahaha.
Bible is too big/wide and there are so many generalities that are hard to specify in one simple post.

Toyi said...

oh and sorry Malach that is not revelations lol that is Daniel.

Nada said...

Boy isn’t that convenient for Christians that the antichrist will be both Jewish AND gay (at least according to Toyi, Maybe she is mistaken but i'll take her word for it).

I'm surprised the AC isn’t also an independent minded woman. That would pretty much cover all the bases of “those who God tells us to hate.”

And really, if my choice is to follow the AC or to follow the real Christ, and that real Christ actually holds the opinions that so many Christians claim he does, then I don't really see much difference.

Christopher said...

Malach... no one know if John of Patmos wrote Revelations or not, let alone what sort of drugs the writer was on. How can you even begin to prove that?

Toyi said...

owen, no no mistake, the readin says says... "And will dislike women charms" eh eh no it will not be a women because he will be Jewish... Women don't rule in the middle East that much, the world would have to turn too quickly in order to get a woman ruler... at least to my perceptions and scrubbing it against the real hard fact. I could try to go find it but deuteronomious is soooo long and I am too lazy & I am generally not in the position to convince anybody so, you know this is just about posting our thoughts that is it.

And only the great straight white Christian male can save them. Amen.

Toyi said...

w/o putting races and preferences... only Jesus can.

I am just using my Faith, Murk.

Ariel Sharon would make a good anti-Christ, if not for the stroke.

Christopher said...

Don't play games Malach. You're using History Channel shows, not faith.

Who care anyway, the world gonna end on 12/20/2012

12/24/2012! Get it right!

Christopher said...

I thought it was 12/12/2012...

No way, the Mayan guy in my office is sure it's 12/24/12.

Christopher said...

Tell him I said "Abooga booga woochu wagga wagga" or whatever the fuck those tilted house building people say when they dislike each other...

You're thinking of the Incan guy I used to work with.

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