*cheer leader shout*
Pope John Paul Lives In My Junk Drawer!
Pope John Paul Lives In My Junk Drawer!
Pope John Paul Lives In My Junk Drawer!
Pope John Paul Lives In My Junk Drawer!
We revamped, added awesome new contributers, and cut the dead wood, The Wand of Wonder 2.0 (WoW 2.0) is a multi contributor freeform blog. Contributers range of different personalities, political leanings, ethinicities, and religious ideals. Like a Wand of Wonder, you never know what will come out. If you don't know what a wand of wonder is, well that's what Google is for.
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Pope John Paul Lives In My Junk Drawer!
Pope John Paul Lives In My Junk Drawer!
Pope John Paul Lives In My Junk Drawer!
Pope John Paul Lives In My Junk Drawer!
Posted by Christopher at 9:00 AM
Unfortunately, Felix of Budge Killed him
But... he lives in my junk drawer....
You should make a soup out of all that!
keep sinead away from your junk drawer. you know what will happen!
OMG Murk eh eh is that the way you keep your drawer clean? eh eh
That's just his physical manifestation. In reality, he lives up in heaven in the clouds with all other good people who were baptised into the right Church.
I'd love to hear what you believe, Angry Veteran. Just so that I can ridicule it. Please tell me!
You cannot ridicule me, I am bulletproof. Bullet. Proof. Like a theofuckinglogical superman. BAM! Ping! Buh. Let. Proof.
To wit: I'm an Agnostic. THe definition: you cannot prove or disprove the existence of God. Any religion could be right. Athiests could be right. There is no way to prove it. It's all belief and faith.
Realizing that, I now know that I don't know. If everyone could just do that, we wouldn't be killing each other trying to convince each other who has the "right" God. Or Yahweh. Or Allah. Or Spirit. Or whatever the fuck you want to call it.
If everyone could identify the fact that what they believe is just that, a belief based on faith, not facts, then we could all agree to disagree about our unprovable assumptions and just live together.
Now, where are those gold plates God was talking to me on? Honey, have you seen those?
I didn't ask what you could prove. I asked what you believe. Being an agnostic is about as bullet proof as closing your eyes in front of a firing squad...
I am also a God Fearing Agnostic
There's very little doubt in my mind that there is a God.
That's the kicker! I love Jesus! I mean, most of what the scriptures say he said. Sermon on the Mount is good stuff. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. It can all be summed up for me by the Thomas Jefferson Bible:
"Thomas Jefferson believed that the ethical system of Jesus was the finest the world has ever seen. In compiling what has come to be called "The Jefferson Bible," he sought to separate those ethical teachings from the religious dogma and other supernatural elements that are intermixed in the account provided by the four Gospels. He presented these teachings, along with the essential events of the life of Jesus, in one continuous narrative."
What do I believe, I believe our actions have consequences and we should lead ethical lives because it is the right thing to do, not because a man in the sky will punish us if we don't.
Fine. Dodge the question. Do you, or do you not, believe that there is a God, even though it can never, in your mind, be proven.
I don't know! It makes me feel better to think that there is, but I can't say I believe in it. I WANT to believe it. My whole upbringing conditioned me to believe it. I yearn for the comfort of simple, pure, belief. But, alas, I cannot reconcile it within myself. Gar.
Cholesterol exists in your heart too, chubby! Leap of faith? I'm surprised you can leap at all given your morbid obesity.
Well, if you know he exists IN YOUR HEART, then it doesn't matter if anyone changes your mind. That's not where God is hanging out. He's in your heart. Everyone believes the superstitions they were raised with (yues, I'm saying religion is a superstition because you can't prove it - throw rocks now)and everyone feels more comfortable keeping to their traditions.
BTW, I'm not trying to change anyones beliefs, becasue I know I can't. My goal is much more humble: everyone just believe what they want but realize it's belief (leap of faith) and not fact and give everyone else a pass on what God they love or not.
But fighting over who is "right" in an argument that has no proof is the most fucking ridiculous goddamn stupid dumbass fucking thing I have ever heard of.
Just as ridiculous as calling billions of people superstitious because they have something you envy... faith.
Politics and Liberal Ideology will leave you sad and untimately alone one of these days.
You're the Silly Veteran! Silly man!
*blocks rocks with nipples*
Okay, you'll be sad and alone with gorgeous, rock hard, super sharp nipples. That might still get you into heaven.
If it is true that God made these nipples, he's going to want to get them back. Even if I'm attached to them. Maybe St. Peter hands me tassles at the Pearly Gates?
^So you are saying God is Materialist?
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