
Tuesday, August 01, 2006

...American's generally make me angry. The people (generally) in this great nation seem to be only interested in consumption and entertainment. We want to surround ourselves with material objects, sit on our comfy couches, and just watch television (and yes, i am often guilty of this as well). So, when I'm really feeling guilty and let down by the nation i live in, I look at the habits of other nations. Are we so much worse than other nations. In some cases, absolutely. Then, I look at Japan. And I feel better.

Yes, that is a giant f'ing television.


Yeah, the Japan:
Where you can watch giant TV's, child porn disguised and anime, and buy preteens dirty underwear from vending machines!

I just bought that mofo on Ebay.

Used pre teen panties?

sparkle down, Malach

Dumbass, the television. Piper told me you outbid everyone for all the used underwear on Ebay.

Cornhole sniffer.

Toyi said...

oh if I would've said it, I would've been bombed.

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