No, no, no, no

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Please don't ruin this series yet again.
Evidently Heath Ledger will play a starring role in the next Batman, The Dark Knight. Now Heath Ledger is a pretty good actor and all, but the Joker? I just don't see it.

What's wrong with Red Sox Nation.
All you hear about is all these sports repoters that Red Sox fans are no longer psycho, they are content with 2004, and spout the "at least they won one in my lifetime philosophy". It's true, gone are the depressions, sleepless nights, and negative attitude. No trades yesterday, and the Nation is ecstatic the young arms weren't traded, even for Andruw Jones. See here is the deal. This is direted at the Tony Mazzarotti's of the world. We are cured. We no longer are blinded by failure. We can see the light at the end of the tunnel. You see, Epstein and crew have built a farm system, and a team for the future. This team will be a dominant force for the next 5 plus years. Gone are the GM's that will mortgage the future for the present. Gone are the GM's the bring in the high priced free agent at the end of his career (they seem to have moved to Yankee stadium). Gone are the GM's that prize the long ball vs. the quality pitcher (also seem to have moved to the Bronx). They might not win this year, and I don't care, becuase in the next few years you are looking at a dynasty.

And David Ortiz, Malach is ready to service you sexually is you want that.

Don't ever, EVER mess with Chris.
You heard me.

Somone said they missed stats?
Well Malach the Statzi is back. Well last month we had 12,000 unique veiws. That is 4 times the previous month. Our total since opening this site? Just under 18,000 unique views. Hits? 187,000; 126,000 last month.

Top 10 Most Popular WoW articles:
1. A Couple of Quickes (if you are wondering why, this article is linked to by Trumba)
2. Soccer and the United States
3. Cars
4. If I were Leader of the Free World
5. Nacho Libre: A Review
6. Ohh, Daniel-san My Arm!
7. The Downhill Slide
8. Dear Governor Romney
9. Yellowstone Death
10. The Wand of Wonder
Ahh, Malach rules.

I am Malach, and I bring you the sound of music


The Angry Piper said...

Wow. Two of my little posts made it onto the top 10? I'm amazed. That's pretty good odds, seeing how I rarely post to the WoW(because everything I write is another useless comment from the Scottish gallery, evidently).

Still, that reminds me I never did a followup post to my fears of becoming an alcoholic. After watching Mr Tooserious this weekend, I realize I still have some breathing room.

Christopher said...

Yup. He had very little breathing room. He was aspirating alcohol into his lungs...

Yeah, people love to read about other people's problems

Toyi said...


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