On the fence with chaos and anarchy

Saturday, October 11, 2008

So......"just me" (that would be me) is not a conspiracy theorist. In fact, she thinks conspiracy theorists are quack jobs. But "just me" has stumbled upon something that she could not resist reading more of and what she read was right up there with Christopher's fictional masterpieces....or so she initially thought.

So what did she find? Well....aliens (called grays and reptilians), psychic warfare, brain-washing (Clockwork Orange style), the true nature of the NSA, FEMA's agenda, The NWO, The Illuminati, Satanic Worship, The dark side of the Freemasons, The truth about chom-trails, sylphs, how hydrogen peroxide can heal you, and much more.

So what's the big deal then? For those old enough to recall, it reminded me eerily of "Red Dawn vs Terminator", only in this case the enemy isn't the Soviet or the Computers but our own Government.

But what does "just me's" weird quak-job findings mean? Well, ordinarily, she'd say, "nothing". But seeing as how there were several points of interest that directly coincide with our current economic climate as well as moral decline, she's saying, "it means something".

Take the FEMA report. Apparently, over the course of several decades, FEMA has been given a great deal of authority to take over any area that is experiencing a "crisis". Most think of crisis as being a natural catastrophe, however it also includes financial upheaval, political unrest due to war and rioting for whatever reason. FEMA is also being investigated for their "black-ops missions" that include spending billions for building secret underground bunkers where supposedly select government officials would be escorted to continue their governance in the event of unrepairable damage to the current law and order. Hmmmm.....sounds like "Terminator 3" type stuff. But anyway, based upon my connection of dots, if the current US financial decline and/or disapproval of the current status of the country were to create an angry public that began an uprising against the current government system, the President has the ability to sign 10 pages that would allow FEMA to seize control of any and all parts of the US to do as they will to secure the continuance of the government and the Congress would not have the ability to change that decision or review the decision for 6 months. Do you know what can happen in 6 months?? Why does FEMA have that ability? Interesting. I thought that "the people of the US" ran the government...not the other way around.

The NWO (New World Order) - Supposedly there is this vast underground belief that the United Nations is actually working to create a "NEW WORLD ORDER". Okay...so....what? So......the problem isn't the one world order but that supposedly the New World Order works a lot like the Da Vinci Code....many layers upon layers of religious influence in the political arena to bring about the end of days. YEAH........we all need the coming of Christ to move much quicker, don't we? Oh but wait! There's more! So, in an effort to do this, the CIA is actually running drugs all over the world to create chemical dependence and confusion among the masses. There are children being abducted, tested for their psychic abilities, then traumatized and re-trained to be these unsuspecting patsies to do the bidding of the NSA. Illuminati are doing satanic rituals on young children to gain power and control. The UN and the grays are working for the reptilians in an effort to conquer the Earth based in New Mexico and Brittan.

Oh...did I mention that the reptilians are cloning people? Yeah. Cloning really important people and or shape-shifting into important people so as to pass as human and do the their own bidding. Why??? Because humans are the only sentient beings with the power to "create" utilizing the power of thought. Hmmmmmmm........

Blue bloods - People who are type O negative have some reason to be concerned. Apparently those who are Type O negative are linked genetically to a superior race of human beings that have astounding psychic and paranormal abilities. The reptilians and the UN want you!

Well.....okay......what are my thoughts on this really? After a full day of reading some of the most bizarre things ever, I felt really uneasy. It wasn't like walking through a fun house and coming out nervously (yet hilariously) shaken by the effects. No. It was like watching a snuff film for the very first time and wishing you hadn't seen that there are such terrors in the world. I pondered on it a great deal, shared my finding with a few people, and even read the Bible. I'm not comforted. Why? Because the more I researched outside of this website what was being said, the more evidence I found to substantiate what was being said; minus the info on "Project Oak Tree" and very little was confirmed for "Project Mannequin". I find little comfort because of the fact that there are many things that we don't really know or understand and that it is very easy to keep us all distracted while a select few do things we could hardly fathom. I'm not comforted because it's all right there.......in Revelations. Oh don't get me wrong...my sister touted that whole, "If you believe in Jesus, you have nothing to worry about" bit.......but uhm....what about everything leading up to that particular event? There WILL be suffering. There WILL be a war. It's not a picture that many can grasp nor ideally, WANT to grasp. Ignorance is bliss after all.

I'm on the fence folks..........I want to know if there is a person who can talk me down. I'm waiting to see if anyone responds to my putting forth information that may or may not be real. I want to push that button and see what happens....will it buzz? Will it ring? Will it doing nothing? Will the WoW be the next place for X-File fans go to get their juicy information? Will it be where the dragons (not the Draconians) unite?

Before you go to the website, take time to pray for your soul and the souls of all those who would appose the NWO. Pray that you'll be able to sleep when it's all said and done. Pray for rain and the natural balance of manna to be restored. Pray that "they" never find you.


P.S. The server for the link may not work. It appears to have been taken down. If it doesn't come back up, I'll try to hunt down the mirror link.

Wow, I am Type O Negative, you will all bow before ME!

I fixed you link, you did not have a http;// in front of it, so it was trying to find the pages within the Third-Option.com website.

Toyi said...

FEMA.. uhmm those are news to me...
I am an insurance agent.

New world order... agree, that needs to happen in order for Christ to come, yet I still need to announce is not a Godly move.

your post was very interesting, I enjoyed it.

Don't worry about a thing, because TOMORROW, OCTOBER 14TH, The Aliens are coming to set everything right:



Has anyone seen anything yet? I haven't but then - I'm inside.

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