God Bless CNN

Friday, July 18, 2008

I know, I know, I'm normally bitching up a storm about CNN, but they've really come through for me lately. They have this feature on their news stories called "From The Blogs". It's down at the bottom of the page and if you click on it, it will provide a list of sites that link to and/or discuss the news story. I've been using a large number of CNN.com stories for my ROYTERS articles and I'm getting a whole hell of a lot of traffic from CNN.com. It's nowhere near the traffic that I'm getting for "madonna naked", but it's a help.
Where would ROYTERS be without the entertainment stories that C.Rag does?


FreeOscar said...

I'm the only one who digs deep for my stories. I dug so deep in Lindsay Lohan's vag that I almost didn't come out.

Malach has come close since he did almost get raped by A-Rod

My personal blog also gets a ton of hits from CNN

Anonymous said...

digg deep, lose sleep start again the next.

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