You may ask: Why is Zangief dancing?
It's because he just swung by and found a new Conversation with Stephanie on the Fiction Page.
This makes him happy. Zangief loves Stephanie.
Zangief thinks you should, too.
We revamped, added awesome new contributers, and cut the dead wood, The Wand of Wonder 2.0 (WoW 2.0) is a multi contributor freeform blog. Contributers range of different personalities, political leanings, ethinicities, and religious ideals. Like a Wand of Wonder, you never know what will come out. If you don't know what a wand of wonder is, well that's what Google is for.
Posted by The Angry Piper at 9:30 AM
Labels: Angry Piper, Shameless Self-Promotion, Zangief
This isn't Russia. Is this Russia? This isn't Russia.
1. Can I republish this?
2. Why are you revealing so much about our secret affair?
Hmmmm. Zangief makes demads and cow fat zoom dweebies pay attention. Results people.
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