Jesus vs Dr. Martin Luther King

Monday, March 10, 2008

Nobody woshios Martin Luther King: Point, Jesus.

Jesus was a scruffy, unshowered radical: Point MLK

Christ was crucified because they said he thought he was the King of the Jew
and Martin also was a King: Push

Jesus wore robes and sandals: Point Dr. King

Dr. King gave sermans and so did Jesus. Push

Jesus deliberatelt went to his own death for his ideals: a whicked roght hook, score tha point.

Dr. King is daze.

Jesus follows uo nicely be making two fish and seven loaves into a feat for his foolowers

King is flaily wildy. He loks gassed and...

OH! Jesus went to his stanby move, he made another man come to life... and down goes King.

Buddha sends Jesus to a neitral corner and begins the count: One, two, three, four

Buddha raises the champs hands. Jesus has won!!!


hmm... were you intoxicated when you wrote this?
i'm intoxicated now, after some pre drinking, then hitting th bar with my neighbor and roommate, but SHIT yout post sounds like crazydrunk.

Yeah, wow, Murky, what happened here.

Toyi said...

oh man you were complitely not inspired, everything is missing a core... I can tell that you are not black or Christian eh eh

Hey! I had to type fast... the fight was in my basement and I was rushed for a deadline...

And no, Dr. Murk does NOT get intoxicated.

Truth is, when I'm too tired to proofread-----

Check out my pre 2007 posts if you want to see me type drunk.

Toyi said...

^ can you post the link for that? I am very interested.

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